What about indoor and outdoor fireplaces

We have a gas fireplace inside and a propane fire pit on our screened-in porch. I’d love for the sitter to enjoy it, but more importantly also see it as a potential safety/fire risk that is easily avoidable. How do you handle these “amenities” for your sitters?

Note: I had the same thoughts about candles.

Thank you!

In England, many houses have open wood fireplaces, and we’ve used them every time without any issues. However, I have to admit that I wouldn’t trust everyone to use them safely, and as a homeowner, I’d also be skeptical.

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Such amenities usually have easy on-off switches and work fine if in good condition. To me, it would be like trusting a sitter to use a gas range. No big deal.

If yours are in poor condition and/or complicated to use, then I’d suggest putting them off limits.

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