What are the Challenges of a Nomadic Lifestyle?

I am now committed to going nomadic for at least 5 months after Oct. And my initial anxiety was about getting sits, but now booked through mid Jan. The sits come in. Even when you get declined, another pops up with the same dates. Some are preferable to others, but still, you can find a sit in the general area you want with the dates you want. But it requires vigilance looking for sits daily until you get the bookings. Good sits go fast. And HO tend to have a good call and decline you before they talk to you since they decide to book someone else. Even when they really like your app and try and get you to take other dates. But you are not available on the alternate dates. If I was, I would have applied…So it is an interesting experience. Just doing states and Canada, will have a packed car, so will have supplies. Not crazy, but not just a carry on and backpack. Will be going from flipflops to boots and coat climates, and I have a debit card with my health insurance, so buying in bulk when I can and taking with me. Going into details so that people like me, who may be thinking of trying nomadic for a while. I went from anxious to excitment. Going to see some areas I never thought of going in the states. Like I have stay near Austin, wasn’t planning ever going there. Heard it was nice. Etc. Just not a destination. Now I will see it. I am good at light social interactions. And I think if you get that, even if you just have to go to a bar and have a glass of wine to talk to someone, it works to keep you connected. And there is always phone and email to connect with friends.


Speaking of being inspired by other’s words, you have inspired me @Amparo ! We are of a similar age, and sometimes I wonder if it is too late to revisit the wanderlust of younger years. While waiting for my elder to cross over, which I thought was imminent a few months ago, I am assuaging my impatience by getting really fit and ready to walk off into “the wilderness” of travels! This whole thread has been so interesting for armchair entertainment and inspiration!


It’s only too late if you never start and it sounds like you are already there. Mental rehearsal, preparation in the mind is where it all begins.
The age thing is an illusion planted into our subconscious by modern society.
Go for it.
Let your intuition guide you.
Be gentle with yourself and acknowledge how well you are doing every single day.
All the best @Hikergal


Hi @Hikergal
Recommended reading

Thanks, looks like “good medicine” indeed! I will get the kindle version tonight!
You should write a book! :smile:

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In progress. Thank you
Look for a pdf version, free download.
Save it and read often.
Good medicine indeed.
Have fun

Thanks will look into it. Though I am not so much doing this for a long time. Just 5 months. Maybe 7, depending. I have traveled the world, going twice to a few places I didn’t expect to. In over a dozen trips to Hong Kong, I went from it being really fun in the mid 80s to now nothing much. I have other reasons for doing this.

just wanted to update, incase there was interest. I left my apartment in MI end of Oct. With a too full car – but it seems every so often I need something out of the car which is not in the HO house. So 2 months done of my sits. My daughter and I are heading to Bali for a vaca, so no sits. And I saved $1500 from rent and utlities, subtracting what I spent on hotels. Since I was coming to LA anyway, didn’t count gas getting here. The worst is having a 2 week sit cancel, then scramble to find sits. Or trying to get a sit in New Orleans after TX and before FL. Very few sits in NO, during my window. I keep taking more sits in TX to fill in dates. And I am booked in FL – which I had to redo since a 2 week sit there got cancelled. Also, challenging to look for sits or be available. I lost a sit because I got messaged to chat that evening after I left AR, was in Tulsa for the night, but didn’t check messages as I had a long drive ahead the next day. So I was declined. Since they were so annoyed that I didn’t get back to them within a few hours, probably a good thing. You learn a lot about HOs, the types of sits, expectations. And there is generally another sit. Since I will be in Bali for 2.5 weeks, and probably not checking sits, probably miss out in New orleans. But with another sit probably booking in TX, I only have 4 days in between TX and FL. I can always do hotel for a vaca. I am still way ahead of cost savings. But I can see ending this by April- June period. I would like to have my stuff and not just out of suitcase. Particurlarly when going from cold to warm/hot to cold again. Not only coats, hats and gloves, but boots.


Another update. I am 3 months in nomadic. Missed a horrible winter up north. And even when the snow hit the gulf coast, where I am now, I was in Austin and the front slid to the east, so missed Austin, TX. First only cat sit. So easy. But it can be lonely. I was invited to spend the night before my last sit and this one. I find I am so chatty. The isolation can take its toll. I went out and drove the gulf coast to a taco place and there, sat with others at picnic tables and chatted. Since I really don’t go out much, I find that lack of connection a bit trying. I do email and text, but not the same and face to face communication with others. I had to travel with 2 large suitcases, one cold weather and one hot weather. I have a smaller suitcase that I use to go in and out of sits, leaving the 2 big ones in the car. I do have kitchen stuff, having had experience breaking something. Nothing expensive, but stressful and annoying if you damage anything of HO’s. I left money, though they said I didn’t have to. Since they didn’t argue hard, I think they kind of expect it. Worth the 5 star review. And I keep a dollartree sponge mop in the car. So easy to clean bathroom with a long handle sponge mop. I do have too much stuff, but really didn’t know what I would need. And I find I eat healthier. I brought a lot of bags of dried beans and rice. Make a bunch of different bean dips, in lieu of humus. Made soups. That is the other thing. I do have a bunch of cold packs and insulated bags to carry my cold groceries from place to place. I always book a hotel with a full fridge. I used to have 2 large hard coolers, now I have double bagged large insulated bags. Easier to pack the car. I have found sits come up, even though I lost a 2 weeks sit in FL due to the dog going over the rainbow bridge. It was enough time that I booked other sits. Some I went sit to sit. And I am going sit to sit for my 2 sits in FL. That can be a little crazy. You are going from Blackie and Woody to Callie and Freddie, with different meds, routines. I cannot even remember the dogs’ names from 3 sits ago. These 5 months were planned around getting to LA to go with my daughter to Bali over the holidays, then heading back and staying in the southern US for winter, and then I have to head back north for dental appointments. So I had a route, ending up spending 3 weeks of Jan in Austin TX area, which wasn’t my first choice but worked out. Actually beautiful comfortable homes. I had wanted to be in New Orleans for a sit, but there was only a couple for my timeframe and got declined on 1 and a relative took the other sit. But I did get the chance to walk around New Orleans for the day, which worked. And I never thought I would be in Gulfport, MS. Easy cat sit, sitting on the beach yesterday having fish tacos. So flexibility is key for nomadic. I think THS is getting more competitive. I think more people are trying it. And this experience has put me into double digits of sits with 5 star reviews, so that is very helpful. And you start to discriminate about sits. Like I interviewed for a 10 day sit. They didn’t even want me to go out for groceries. They have would order them in for me. I was only to go out to walk the dog. For a 10 day sit, that is a bit crazy. Withdrawing. If I was desperate, I would take it. Because I really don’t go out much. But not at all, is crazy. And when sitting, being alone, I rely a lot on the community forum, just to interact and communicate.


You might want to consider looking at meetup for activities wherever you’re sitting. Tons of variety in activities (and levels from sitting around doing a language exchange to climbing mountains together) that will allow you to get out for a few hours each week and interact with non-fluffy living things.

(This might have already been mentioned; I haven’t read all 80+ comments.)


That is a good suggestion. But since I only have one month left before I head back up north. And since the weather is good, I am working out in the mornings, sunning in the afternoon. And walking dogs in between. My next 3 sits down here are with dogs. I think meet ups are a good idea for longer stays. If I do a longer stay next winter, I will try them.

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Not necessarily. I’m part of a hiking group and we often have visitors that only come for one single walk, as they’re in the area at that specific time. It’s not a huge commitment and you certainly don’t have to go again and again, a one-off is fine, and it really helps to be part of a likeminded group, even for a few hours. So don’t put it off! The anticipation is also exciting.

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