What is up with the indoor cameras?!

Why are HO thinking that indoor cameras are still okay? We just applied to a sit, got approved pretty quickly and then followed up with our basic questions. Medications, special diets, arrival times, and indoor cameras. Nonchalantly the HO said “Yes, there is an indoor camera in the loft to watch the cats so we can see some of their entertaining moments without spooking them. We will let you know if we decide to move it outside.”

Are HO not told this at signup that there is NO indoor cameras? It is truly disheartening because probably in the last 10 people we have applied or talked with, three or four of them just think it is a nonchalant thing to just have in the house. It isn’t listed in their ad and we are sure they would not have mentioned it unless we specifically asked.

More of a rant, but just wanted to see if other sitters are seeing the same thing?



Which countries are you experiencing this ?


While the HO’s indoor camera does not have to be moved, per THS’s policy (5.2.15) on indoor cameras, they must be “disabled for the duration of the sit”.

Early on in my sits, I would discover interior cameras and the HOs made no mention of them. To this day, I don’t know if I was being monitored / recorded or not. Since those early sits, I now ask HOs the question, “Do you have interior / exterior cameras?” On one sit, the HO admitted to have interior cameras and ensured me they would be disabled during my sit. Well, right after she left, I noticed that one of her cameras (in the living room) was still on. I contacted her and she profusely apologized and said that I could unplug it. I don’t know if it was intentional or not.

And even if HOs disclose that they have interior cameras in their listing, it would behoove sitters to follow up with asking the question of “Do they have interior cameras?”

How HOs respond just might make the difference of sitters accepting or not accepting sits.

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We also discuss indoor cameras during our video chat, it’s mentioned in our Memorandum of Understanding. This includes, but is not limited to, nanny/pet cams, security cameras, voice-activated assistants. We make it clear that we don’t do sits where they are functioning and we will disable. Two sits did have such devices and we simply unplugged them. I think that people don’t understand the technology and have gotten so use to them that it doesn’t even occur to the them.

My biggest gripe as a sitter are cameras. I absolutely detest them. There are loads of threads on here discussing this topic.


I must admit, cameras are so popular now, i am loathe to book a (non petsit) holiday cottage in case of hidden cameras.
We used to book cottages all the time in the UK but those days may be over


Unfortunately we are now living in a world were the concept of trust has been eroded. Indoor cameras are clearly against THS rules but what I find disturbing (reading previous posts) is that outdoor cameras can also be aimed at private areas and or the external footage used to micro manage sitters. We have had one sit where we experienced that and now will no longer accept sits where any cameras are present. Regardless HOs have every right to have external cameras as we have every right not to sit for them.


This happened to me. It was absolutely horrible.

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I always wonder if the HO themselves would feel comfortable if the place they were holidaying / staying had cameras set up inside… I highly doubt it. So I don’t understand how they can be so brazen about this. Common sense isn’t always that common as they say.