2 different sitters withdrawn through illness

@jeangriggs your listing is now showing as “New” so it has gone back to near the top of the listings page for your area. This means it is likely that more sitters will see it and hopefully apply. I feel so sorry for you, being techy is not easy and the last thing you need right now is being scolded when you are calling out for help :pensive: Things have been changing a lot on THS so it might not be as easy as it was in the past for you.

I totally understand your being upset, doing all this can be hard, sometimes even for those who are experienced. Can you follow what Cuttlefish has suggested to adjust your listing just slightly? She is only trying to help. Your home and your dogs look wonderful as do your reviews and possibly it is just a sign of the times that you have not received the same response from sitters as you have previously. But stay strong, try to change your heading as suggested and try to ignore anything that doesn’t seem helpful to YOU. I struggle with tech a lot so I feel for you. Hang in there :heart:


There’s a great list if the HO searches in the search box of very helpful tips for HOs to optimise their listings.

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I am not ignoring help. I have tried to link my THS profile with the Forum but not good at technology. Not sure I have got it right

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Thank you DianeS. Several sitters have commented that they are less trouble than 2.


You have done it correctly now @jeangriggs, your listing is now showing as NEW so will be amongst the first people will see. If I were available, after reading your reviews, I would sit for you - and so will another sitter x


Thank you for your input. I have removed anything about there begin 2 or 3 to sit for. Will change the title as suggested. Responsibility re exercise meds are all clear. I understood that I cant offer the sit as such on the forum att this stage. Thanks again J


Good luck, I’m sure someone will love your sit as much as your previous sitters did.

Just a thought - it might be worth updating the title of the sit to begin with something that reflects that the dogs are easy to care for - without that might put many off after only seeing that it’s 5 dogs


@DianeS that’s a good suggestion, the first words sitters see are those that decide whether or not to keep reading. The words “very low maintenance” or “easy to care for” would be more enticing and then the reviews and everything else will speak for itself.

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Hi @jeangriggs I really hope you find some lovely sitters ASAP for your five gorgeous dogs. We’re currently on a sit with lovely golden retrievers and have done sits previously with many animals but unfortunately can’t commit to your dates. I agree that a cute title could help attract . Something like “ Golden delights-Sit for The Fabulous 5” or “Five Golden Hearts - Obedient retrievers await! “ Best of luck in any case. We have favourited your listing and would love to sit for you in the future xx


Thank you so much Ziggy.

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Wow. that is lovely.

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@jeangriggs your listing and dogs are beautiful. I think I may have skipped due to the number of dogs, but after reading the lovely reviews and seeing the dogs seem to sleep outside and are very well behaved, I would definitely reconsider and view it as an interesting alternative to our usual sits.
Good luck, keep faith. Hopefully the right sitters will come along soon.


Your dogs sound like they are highly trained, I would mention that definitely. Dogs well trained are a doddle to look after.


Many thanks Louise. Will do.

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Many thanks for your support. So helpful. J


Thank you for your help. New sitter confirmed !!!


Soooo pleased to hear this Jean. I hope everything goes smoothly for you now, crossing my fingers and toes :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

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Many thanks. Over the moon. J and M

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