First time and no sitter after being messed about

We are new to this and thought we had found someone to sit for us. However after countless messages and a successful video chat they informed us that they had another person to talk to. A few days later they changed their minds as the other sit had better dates for them. They were trying to go from one sit to another and ours would have left them with about a week without anywhere. As much as I appreciate this (from their point of view) it means that we now have no sitter and we leave at the start of September.
We had one other applicant which I had to decline as they wanted to bring their own dog. Our cat is quite nervous around other dogs apart from ours and as such I had already selected the NO PETS option when I created my profile/listing.
Thankfully the couple were understanding and as such didnā€™t mind me declining them.

I have two questions.

  1. Any advice on how to attract more people to see it? I have been messaging those who have saved the listing as well as others who I have found via searching.
  2. if I decide to get a refund do you think that because I have technically turned an offer down THS will not stick to their rule. (smallprint says that I can cancel and get a refund if Iā€™ve not had any applications). Itā€™s not my fault I had to turn it down, thatā€™s down to their filters not working.

I donā€™t think itā€™s anything to do with my listing as such, thereā€™s quite a few people who have ā€˜favouritedā€™ it and those who Iā€™ve invited have all said how good it is (just that they canā€™t do it this time).

Any advice would be appreciated. Iā€™m starting to worry now.


Edit: Listing added to forum profile

Hi @Deej! Iā€™m a fellow HO, and sorry for the trouble with finding a sitter. Iā€™m afraid you canā€™t have a refund as you did have two applications. But itā€™s best to check with THS by email.

To me your listing looks really nice.

The only thing Iā€™d add, is for how long can Amber and Lucy be left alone. (The information you give by ticking a box when editing your listing is actually not shown to sitters :woman_shrugging:.)


Hey there, I took a look at your listing for you. Honestly, it sounds great - you list information very clearly and directly, and I love your use of clear bullet points; this makes it so easy to read! Just a few tips:

1: Your intro is very short and quite autobiographical. Sitters want to know straight away whatā€™s on offer and why they should choose your sit. Add clearly in your intro who would suit your sit (e.g: a sitter with no pets). Tick-a-boxes do not show up on your listing, these are for THS data collection only and canā€™t be seen by sitters (itā€™s silly, I know).

2: Add in your home & location section how close public transport is. I did a sit in Whichcombe, and there are regular busses, so definitely mention this. Also mention if you are able to collect sitters from Cheltenham train or bus station, as this would be a big help in getting to Winchcombe for some sitters. You might also want to mention that there are some beautiful hikes through lush hills & forests in the area.

3: In your responsibilities section, add how long walks are, and how long the pets can be left for.

Besides that, I think itā€™s great, and I do hope you get applicants; itā€™s a really lovely area. Sitters do often apply to multiple sits at once and have video calls with different owners - in the end they have to pick one, just as a HO can have calls with different sitters and pick one. Invites have a very low success rate, and is often a big waste of time; having a really attractive profile that gains applicants is the way to go.

Here is blog that can help with your intro. Best of luck!


Hi @Deej
Welcome to THS.
I have had a look at your listing and know Winchcombe well as my home (currently rented out to housesit permanently) is in Cheltenham.
The pics youā€™ve uploaded are good and Amber and Lucy look delightful.
You donā€™t say if Amber is well trained, whatā€™s her recall like, whatā€™s she like with other dogs/children/adults? Does she bark and if so what at? How long generally do you walk her? Can the mid afternoon walk be flexible? It might be hot so an early evening walk would be preferable. And, something most owners leave out, how long can she be left at home once sheā€™s had her morning walk? RSPCA says 4 - 5 hours is fine.
Regarding Lucy, does she have a cat flap? Does she bring in ā€˜presentsā€™?
There are some families who are full time Housesitting, home schooling their children. Would you accept a family?
Just a few things that might improve your chances but, unfortunately, there are more sits than sitters so the more attractive you make your listing the better your chances.
As for insurance, I doubt you would be covered as youā€™ve had two applicants.
DO mention that Winchcombe is on the Cotswold Way!


Love your listing!

Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s only me, but I find the info re: ā€œsometimesā€ taking the dog a bit confusing. If Amber is staying home for these dates, Iā€™d eliminate that phrase.

Fellow members, can anyone explain to @Deej how to bump the listing? Thank you. :blush:

Thanks for your reply. Itā€™s annoying if I canā€™t have a refund as both applicants shouldnā€™t have applied anyway, regardless of the change of mind, as one had their own pet and the other a child. Both of these were not on my profile (I deselected pets and families) but Iā€™ve since found out that this information isnā€™t shared with potential sitters and is something you have to be specific with in your listing! This surely should be explained when creating your profile. I presumed it would enable potential sitters with pets and families from being filtered out.
To be clear, Iā€™ve got nothing against either type of sitter, itā€™s just as a first timer I wanted to ensure that our cat would be happy - the dog would be fine but the cat is getting old and nervous.

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Thanks for your ideas. What Iā€™m realising is that the info you are saying to add isnā€™t automatically added from when I created my profile.
I agree that things like how long to leave Amber etc should be accessible to potential sitters but as a newbie I presumed that as Iā€™d checked/unchecked boxes regarding this that the information would be shared with sitters.
Itā€™s hard to know what is ā€˜out thereā€™ and what is just used for THS own data. It should be made more clear what is put on your profile. It would make it easier for sitters to filter out those sits which are unacceptable for them donā€™t you think?


I can certainly vouch for Winchcombe being a lovely small Cotswold town. Itā€™s a great location for walkers & for visiting the other picturesque villages.
And, more importantly Amber & Lucy appear to be great pets to care for & keep you company.
Winchcombe itself is a bit of doggy paradise with lots of dog lovers. There are walks on the doorstep, you can walk in the grounds surrounding Sudely Castle & on the route of the Cotswold Way. Also the town is said to ā€œWelcome Walkersā€ & have lots of walks starting from Winchcombe that are available for download or from the Tourist Information Office
I just love it there. I have completed 2 pet sits in Winchcombe & hopefully will return again Unfortunately I am not available for the dates shown.


@dma If you were there in September last year, we might have passed eachother on a dog walk! :laughing::wave:

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You can view your own listing to check out how the public sees it and what info it contains.

In the future, you could decline the people that are not suitable to you right away, especially if presented with the dealbreakers of wanting to bring their child and/or the dog.
I personally wouldnā€™t have wasted my time going through the motions of exchanging emails and having a video-call, if they were not suitable from the get-go.

I understand the comment. Iā€™ve removed it now. Itā€™s just that sometimes we go on dog friendly holidays so only have Lucy needing care. Thereā€™s no way of selecting which animals will be needing looking after when creating a listing so thought mentioning it there was a good thing to do.
Iā€™ll just have to change it when itā€™s only a sit for Lucy.

One more thing as a clarification of the process: a sit it is not confirmed until the sitter clicks on the ā€œacceptedā€ button after receiving the official invitation from the HO. The conversations beforehand are there just to get to know each other.

Sitters normally do apply to multiple sits, you cannot count the eggs in the basket until they officially accept the sit.


I was willing to let the fact that they had a child go as he was young and clearly someone who would have been ok with the cat.
I wouldnā€™t have bothered with the communications and video chat otherwise.

Hi Nagy26 - I was pet sitting at Winchcombe in July 2023 & more recently last June.
I am sure that there must be many of us pet sitters out & about who literally pass each other without knowing.
Happy Dog Walking to you.

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I see. Would you consider opening your home to families to increase your chances of attracting a wider pool of sitters? Might make sense since now time is of the essence.

I did decline the people with the dog as soon as I found out. It doesnā€™t remove the fact that they applied though - which is the reason I may not get a refund. They should not have been able to see my listing if THS info was to be shared to them. Seems a bit pointless asking us the question if they donā€™t use the answer to filter profiles. Itā€™s unfair on both the owner and the sitters.
Itā€™s only down to this forum that I was made aware that lots of questions asked when setting up our profile arenā€™t shared with users.

I do understand this. It would have been nice to have been made aware of it though instead of finding out a few weeks down the line of them talking to us, thatā€™s all. Iā€™d have been a bit more pro-active in looking for alternative people.
Hey ho, you live and learn I suppose. Iā€™m putting it down to newbie naivety!

As it doesnā€™t say anywhere that I donā€™t want families I presume that families will see it (as the first applicants did). If they apply then I would consider them. I doubt Iā€™ll get any though, unless they home school our dates are in term time.

You are right, thatā€™s a fair point.

I really like your sit @Deej - such beautiful pets in a nice place (your cat even looks like my little one, making the same face and everything). I hope youā€™ll find a sitter soon with 2.5 weeks to go.

If youā€™re a premium member, thereā€™s a button to bump your listing, I donā€™t know of any other uncomplicted way.