2 different sitters withdrawn through illness

Any advice on getting sitters at short notice - 2 weeks. Booked sitters, had to withdraw due to fathers serious illness, managed to find another sitter but just heard that they too have to withdraw due to one of them again having serious health issues. Have contacted 40 plus potential sitters with no luck. Any ideas very gratfeully received.


If you add your listing profile INTO your Forum profile then experienced sitters can advise you. Search :mag: for how to ā€˜add my THS profileā€™

I suppose you have already relisted your dates.

That will generate push notices to sitters that had marked you as a favourite and alerts to those that have you in your Saved searches. That is likely many times more than forty.

Also, your listing should then have gotten the ā€œNewā€ label, which should help.

And from one week ahead, you could post in the Last-Minute section of this forum.

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Many thanks hqve tried to link. the profiles. Not sure if it has worked I hope so as now getting very worried at the thought of cancelling holiday.

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Ok but itā€™s not clear how many dogs for the specific dates youā€™ve listed. Seeing 5 dogs would put off many people so they wouldnā€™t read any further to see that you take some of the dogs with you.

Iā€™d want to know specifically:
How many actual dogs on the sit? Is it x5 or is that the number after youā€™ve taken a few with you?
Where do they sleep?
Thatā€™s a lot of poop to pick up- is there a machine perhaps?
Can I take them out with me?
On/off lead?
Is this the sitter bedroom/bathroom shown?

This looks more like a paid sit to meā€¦. Try Rover perhaps?


All of this detail is on our listing which I have tried to link to the Forum. We have had lots of successful sits through THS for the 5 of them.

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Iā€™m a sitter and the 1st thing I see is x5 dogs so I donā€™t go any furtherā€¦. if it is indeed x5 dogs then fair enough but if itā€™s only 3 dogs for example please make it clear in the title. Youā€™re trying to get a last minute sitter so you need to optimise your chancesā€¦. but best wishes to you. I hope you find somebody willing to take on a lot of work.

Edited to comply with Community Rules


@jeangriggs Your listing shows as currently not needing a sitter, so hopefully all is ok for you now.

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This is what I can seeā€¦the dates that are available in June.

Strange - i guess its different device types.

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@DianeS it did show that for me also when I first looked then I went in five minutes later and re-entered the link and it now shows as an active NEW listing. The gremlins must have been at work :person_shrugging:

:joy_cat: hopefully a sitter will see this & see beyond the number of dogs. Iā€™m currently with 4 black labs who have a field that we walk around regularly, and itā€™s an idyllic location. Iā€™d have scrolled past this sit because of so many dogs - i was invited and saw from the reviews (as with the reviews for @jeangriggs) that the dogs would be great - and they are!


@DianeS I totally agree, wonderful reviews, dogs and lovely home :house_with_garden:

None of the detail Bonny has suggested is in there at all. Why come to the forum and ask for help if youā€™re going to ignore it? Five dogs is a LOT, so the bare minimum is being specific about how many/ what dogs will be present and the responsibilities associated with them. That way you give yourself the best chance of attracting a sitter who is prepared for those responsibilities.


Weā€™d agree with both @BonnyinBrighton and @lolrj in that youā€™ve come to the forum for help & advice on filling a sit, & soon! That advice is to be more specific in your title & include the exact number of beautiful golden retrievers the sitters will be in charge of. A catchier title like ā€œGorgeous retrievers in the Welsh countrysideā€ would be better than the current one. Clearer responsibilities and time needed also helpful. Both points will help as time is of the essence. What worked before may not work now as there are any more sits than sitters @jeangriggs Sit looks fab as does location and pooches. Make some small changes, relist it & youā€™ll be off #nevertoooldtolearn

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When I joined the forum I was hoping to get some helpful advise ???

Many thanks I will double check it.

Dont understand does it mean that I am busy with another sit ? How do I get rid of it ?

Thanks Ziggy. I am not techy. and feeling pretty upset at the moment.

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