This is such an interesting point.
When I first joined the forum, (love it), I was just about to add a link upon invitation to do so (was loving the idea of getting feedback on my new profile etc) and then I paused…
I have only really begun to post regularly a few weeks ago. Until then I enjoyed mostly just reading a few posts here and there and was hugely grateful for everything I learned, as I was pretty naive. This forum has been invaluable in enhancing my THS journey. And am still always learning from it.
I paused as I noticed that some posts included very specific info about sits. Which is fine. So if someone (I was thinking) went into the author’s profile, they could conceivably identify which sit and therefore which owner/sitter was being spoken about. I felt that this could potentially, though not intentionally, be both prejudicial to them and a breach of confidentiality.
I would want to safeguard the confidentiality for all. Regardless of anything else. If a HS is in the home of an HO and privy to knowledge of their way of life or being, then I feel strongly the need to preserve that confidentiality. The alternative is potentially intrusive. So I did not link up then.
After starting to post a few weeks ago, I found that I too wanted to give specific examples to illustrate a point. Or that sometimes it felt good to have a little moan about, say, how dirty a place had been. But I did not want to compromise the other party in any way, if they could be identified via my profile from looking up my past sits.
And most of the time things are just not that black or white. Like for e.g someone who sat and ate their evening meal and enjoyed a drink, without offering anything to me. Super awkward. In every other way though, they had been decent and helpful and things thereafter went swimmingly anyway. Perhaps they were just distracted about their ski trip the next day? So why paint them in a bad light that could follow them without their even knowing, just because I want to chime in when someone posts that their host had done the same thing?
Also everything is relative. What I might feel is unclean, may be fine to someone else. Why potentially give them a bad rap, especially as it is one sided and they cannot have a right of reply, whilst still potentially being identifiable? That just feels, unfair and wrong.
Personally, I’d be uncomfortable in linking up for that reason. I enjoy and value speaking freely about my experiences, (mostly wonderful) and back them up with detail, or chime in if someone else has had a similar experience to what I have, which may be a potentially negative one. But not at the cost of breach of confidentiality or prejudicing any other party. So I will stay unlinked for now…
It’s great, as always, to hear all the different views.