2023 TrustedHousesitters Round Up!

As 2023 comes to a close we wanted to share with the forum community our milestones as seen in the recent edition of TrustedTimes

It’s official: the new year is a-knocking! But before we bid 2023 a bonny ‘farewell’, we’re taking a moment to paws, reflect back on 2023, and celebrate some of the amazing milestones we hit along the way. Without further ado, let’s dive in.

First things first - we welcomed lots of new members, and our community hit an incredible…

We also welcomed…

And when we crunched the numbers, we found that amounted to…

Hello to all our new furry, pawed, and clawed pals! :wave:

And finally…

We’d like to say a huge thank you to you - our members - for helping to make 2023 such a wonderful year. Roll on, 2024… :paw_prints:

If you did not receive the TrustedTimes and think you should have please reach out to the Membership Services Team and they can look into this for you.

You can also check out the recent forum round-up blog here :grin:


I am a native British English speaker but I am not sure what the term “Pet Member” means ?

@Carla can you clarify please ?

Is it the same as Pet parent ( which applies to all homeowners regardless of whether they actually have a pet or not )
is it the number of pets a pet parent has ?
So for example 1 new THS member with 2 dogs and 11 chickens = 13 new Pet members?

Hello @Silversitters That’s a good point! It means the number of new pets on the platform. Thank you! I love how we help each other in this community when we spot things that are not normal terms in our language. I will let the Marketing team know your feedback :smiling_face:

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