Add Search for Sitter type

It would be helpful if homeowners could mark a box indicating whether they only want a single, or a couple for a sit.
Since THS now limits homeowners to seeing only 5 applicants at a time it will be helpful to HO and sitters.
Just as sorting can be done by date, by types of pets, by sit duration a sort for sitter type should be added, perhaps:
(1) Only Single Females,
(2) Only Single Males,
(3) Only Couples
(4) Families Welcome
(5) Sitter Pets Welcome


Yes and also if the HO would “prefer local.” I recently spent a lot of time perfecting my app letter on a highly desirable sit… several days later the HO responded that they’d prefer someone local. Well that could’ve saved me a lot of time!


All these suggestions are very helpful. It would be extremely helpful if the HO’s stated their preferences, rather than sitters taking up too much time if they’re not what HO is looking for.

@ASASG these are some wonderful thoughts and I will pass along to IT for them to look into.