Hi everyone,
I’m new to TrustedHouseSitters. I’m onto my third house sit. I’m on day 3 of a 2 month sit.
I’ve had something pop up in the first few days here that has shifted the vibe and I would like some advice as to how I can proceed to repair the situation.
This morning I was asked to do a video call with my hosts to discuss a couple of issues.
Unfortunately I felt the tone of the conversation was accusatory and unkind.
The issue related to their daily electricty bill significantly increasing since my arrival two days ago. This was due to two reasons.
The first was that I charged my rental electric vehicle (I wasn’t expecting to have an EV, but that’s all the rental company had). By the time I had arrived at the rural property (it took me 7 hours), it had run out of power. I needed to do a home recharge in order to reach essential ammenities. The rental company told me it would only cost a few euros to charge up at home. This meant I didn’t prioritise speaking to HO’s about an arrangement for this and was planning to reach out today to discuss. I was of course going to ask if I can pay for the extra electricity for home charging, or alternatively offer to charge elsewhere. Further context, on arrivial I was sick and that had also delayed me having that conversation. On reflection and learning, I should have raised this immediately with them. I accept this.
The second issue was the rise in the temperate of the home system. I have come from the summer and found the temperature cold. I raised the base temperature by 2 degrees for the first day. What I had missed was the memo that I needed to speak to them before raising the temperature. That message had be ralyed to me verbally by the friends who were doing the handover. Being both sick and exhausted from the 7 hour drive, I had missed this and it was not in the notes provided to me in the welcome pack.
Fast forwrd to taday, I got a text at 5am asking to speak to me on video call. I called them immediately at 8am. They started the conversation saying “I want to cut to the chase… our electricity charges have gone from 8 euros to 25 euros”. Immediately I said it would be the car and the increase in temperate, and begun to problem solve with them and explore how we could rectify the situation.
Understandably they were annoyed. I would be too. However, I felt really upset by the way they were talking to me on the call. They didn’t ask questions, or listen closely to the wider context I provided and my experience. They were clearly feeling quite deeply (which I empathise with) and effectively told me too. They said things like “You were told…”… “We wouldn’t pay for your petrol, we are already providing you with a house and electricity”. It felt like a real power imbalance in the conversation. The vibe was off. I felt my honesty and integrity were in question, which felt jarring.
Towards the end of the call they said in a weird tone “so is there anything else out of the ordinary that we need to know about?”.
Throughout the call I stayed calm, acknowledged and validated their experience, but also tried my best to provide context for my experience. I gave a committment to stop the car charging at home and together we went and turned down the electricty to the lower amount.
I am human. I make mistakes. But most importantly, I take responsibility and always stay open to learning.
I reached out over text to apologise again for not discussing the car charging earlier and that I have learned from the situation. I then asked if they could please share their bank details and I would transfer the difference. I thanked them for raising it with me quickly, allowing us to problem solve it. That message was sent over 12 hours ago and I have not recieved a reply.
I have been feeling upset all day about this because this was the first conversation we had after I had arrived and I just want to feel like things have been able to start on a positive footing. Right now I feel like I am walking on eggshells and the vibe is off. I’ve attempted to repair through my follow up contact, but perhaps our communication styles are not aligned here and that may not be the same priority for them.
I’m curious to learn from other sitters on this one. How have you repaired in a situation like this?
I am grateful to be here, but equally I don’t need to be here also. 9 weeks if a long time to be somewhere if the vibe feels off and that’s not something I will do to myself - I respect myself too much for that.
What to do, what to do… I would really love to learn from others on this one.
Many thank yous