Hi there
After my sitters left, I discovered they had used an awful lot of electricity, about 6 times as much as my use. It seems they had been using my supply to charge their car.
I feel they should have asked me first, or at least mentioned their intention on their application. I don’t have a charging point, they just ran an extension cable out the front door, according to the neighbours.
What do you think I should do, all for a contribution or just write this in my review?
I’m a sitter. I would definitely have mentioned it pre-sit to the HO & then they could make an informed choice. If you want to potentially resolve I would message the sitter before leaving a review. Otherwise I’d chalk it up to experience & check with future sitters whether they have an electric car & agree any terms. I’ve not been on the forum long so not sure if this topic has come up previously.
This would be important for future homeowners to know.
In your review, just state the fact that they ran a cord out your front door to charge their electric car. And that you noticed an increase with your electric bill.
Keep it factual. No need to mention how you feel about it. Future homeowners can draw their own conclusions.
I have now asked them direct if they thought it was fair, as I wouldn’t usually give petrol money to a sitter and neither would they expect it. They offered to pay for the electricity, but I wonder if they just hoped I wouldn’t notice. They didn’t say anything about it, even when they left their extension cable behind in the hallway. I think that’s a bit sneaky really.
Great News. Problem solved.
They’re probably so used to doing it it didn’t occur to them it was cheeky.
If I hadn’t noticed they would never have offered
In your shoes, I’d take them up on the offer to pay, and I’d mention that you wish they’d told you. But I probably wouldn’t mention it in the review figuring that they might really not have thought about it or not realized how much it cost.
I’m glad you brought this up. We don’t have an electric car, but I do worry if we use more electric than normal especially when a home has air conditioner window units. We always try to be conscientious and ask the HOs what temperature they keep their home at and their heating and cooling habits. Since we know how expensive heating and cooling costs can be, we try to maintain the same or use less than the HOs normally would.
I’m glad you mentioned it for them and hope you take them up on their offer to pay.
Should you wish to, you can mention it rather neutral.
I found that the sitters charged their car, and when I mentioned it, they offered to reimburse the cost.
It really says it all, no judgement and people can read into it what they like according to their circumstances.
That is a lot. That means that you are hardly using any at all? Just the fridge and the freezer? No airconditioning, no heating, no cooking, no baking in the the oven?
Or were they driving and touristing a lot every day?
Since it is mentioned «my sitters», «my use» it could indicate that it was also more people in the household than usual. Probably also more hot water, more cooking etc. I cook more when we are several people than if it is only me, at least.
The Sitters definitely should have asked BEFORE the Sit started if they could pay you for charging their car at your house.
I am glad that you asked them, and I am glad that they are going to pay you. I assume it is between $100-200 USD or equivalent?
I would mention it in the review to warn future hosts.
We drive an EV and we always ask if we intend to charge the car and we always leave money to cover the electricity. In all cases the HOs have tried to refuse the money but we insist.
I’m glad they have offered and I would certainly charge them. If part of that difference can be due to more people than usual living in the house, a hot wave and more use of AC or even a bit more cooking or ironing, I wouldn’t charge the whole difference but I certainly would ask for a “reasonable” amount.
I would also mention it in the review in a casual tone, like “everything was OK in the end as they immediately offered to pay when asked about it” Something that sounds nice but clearly states the facts for other HOs’ knowledge (charging without permission and not informing you at all)
If you’ve brought it up @Usernamel and they’ve offered to pay then problem solved as others have said. You can’t really criticise the cost on their review if you’ve taken money, you could possibly say something in the review like “Bob & Bob found their electric car usage quite high so covered those costs themselves.” if you really want it noted. And in your future listings copy “Please let me know if you are travelling with an electric car and we can discuss usage.” Or similar. #allbasescovered
As a reference, we use about £1.50 electric usage per day in UK summer on average.
It would be noticeable if someone was charging a car for 10-12 hours.
I know if we had an electric car and planned to charge at the HO house, we would have explained that well in advance.
Luckily, your sitters have offered to pay for their usage so I would take them up on it.
I don’t have, or need aircon, the climate here in England is very temperate. Heating and hot water, cooking, all gas. Gas use was a bit higher which reflects two people in the house. The huge increase in electricity was entirely due to car charging.
So what amount of money is this about then? Six times almost nothing is maybe negligible? And not really “huge”?
Consider how much you saved by not having your pets boarded.
(I once had a guest who charged his electrical car at my place. It was not something I worried about.)
I think I’ll mention it in the review, just factually, say they charged their car and paid for the electricity used .