Advice Needed: Bad Sitter vs. Last Minute Sits


We are in the middle of a crazy travel month. We had several trips this month that all kind of smushed together. So, we booked a sitter from early Oct with the understanding that we’d be home for 3 days in between and before the sit ended. We offered to let the sitter stay (they have their own bedroom, living room, and bathroom) while we were home those three days, but they chose not to. I understand their choice and have no problem with that.

What I do have a problem with is that to this point, the sitter has done the absolute bare minimum for our puppy. He’s 8 months old, and has lots of energy. They agreed to take him to the dog park once a day, and they didn’t take him at all. They agreed to do daily walks, and did that only 3 times based on external security cam footage. Because he wasn’t getting exercise, his puppy energy led him to be destructive and he destroyed the last item that I had kept from our previous dog (not his fault at all) and I was heartbroken to lose it.

In addition to that, we had agreed she would stay through the first morning of our return because our flight landed around midnight. On Saturday, we got a message from the sitter that they would be leaving Sunday evening “around 10pm because we were getting home at midnight.” They sent a follow up message on Sunday saying that they were now leaving at 9:30pm. Based on security footage, they left at 8:30pm, didn’t lock our front door, and then lied to me about what time they left. Leaving at 8:30pm meant that our puppy was home alone for over 5 hours (flight delayed a little plus an hour drive home from airport).

I called THS urgent care line this morning and told them I’m not comfortable with having this sitter return for the remainder of the sit. They suggested we cancel the sit early and post in the Last Minute Sits category to try and find a replacement.

I would love some advice here. We’ve been part of this community for several years and up to this point have only had wonderful experiences. Do I cancel the sit? Do folks have luck with the Last Minute Sit category and finding sitters in less than a week? Is there anything else I should do or consider?

Thank you!

Edited to remove listing dates and specific dates pertaining to the sit as per the Terms of Service.

How long is the 2nd leg of the sit? Are you somewhere easy to access/desirable? Without seeing your listing it’s hard to give advice but those first 2 questions would be important to me as a sitter.

I’m sorry this sitter has been so bad and I do hope that you leave them an honest review to help warn other home owners. I can see the dilemma in that something is better than nothing, but the details of your sit really impact your odd of finding someone last minute. While you’re deciding you may consider reaching out to some people in the local area and explaining the situation and seeing if anyone is available.

Good luck!

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You could tackle the sitter first & explain your disappointment at the first half of the sit. You could ask if this will change as it’s not working for you and see what reception you get to those suggestions. You never know, she just surprise you? That’s option one. You could cancel the second half and post the sit on last minute (totally depends on where, how long & how appealing etc as @CreatureCuddler has said if that brings results) as option two. You could also line up a paid sitter (or have one on hold) whilst you tackle options one and two. Ultimately it’s only a pup and you need peace of mind so need to make the call. #foodforthought

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I appreciate the response. I just posted a new listing for some dates we need help for in November. I would love for you to review and let me know feedback that you think would help improve my chances for last minute sits. The remaining dates are towards the end of Oct.

Hyperlink to listing and dates for listing removed from post as per the Terms of Service.

If you’re not comfortable to have the sitter back then don’t. It will not do any good for any of you if there isn’t trust.

If you have a precious item from your dog I’m a little puzzled why it was not put away. If it is a dog toy in a home with a pet it is natural to think it can be played with by the pet? I’ve always assumed pet things in the home can be used by the pet. In my experience it is quite common that a puppy will destroy things, and it is not always something one can know what it will destroy or not.

It seems the distrust has been present also during sit with surveillance on camera. Did you have a conversation with the sitter about the activities of the puppy ?

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You’ll need to add your listing link to your forum profile before we can take a look. :slight_smile:

I think someone without integrity is not going to suddenly change. They did not do the care they agreed to already, why would that change?

The item destroyed was a dog bed. We kept the bed with the intent of it being used when we got a new dog, and the puppy does use it. It was destroyed when she put the bed in the puppy’s kennel and left him in the kennel with it for a few hours.

To address the camera situation: I was very clear up front that we had a security system. All interior cameras were removed, as per Trusted Housesitters policy. I clearly communicated that there were external cameras that were still active and pointed out where they were. They were not there to spy on the sitter and I would not have reviewed footage had there not been other issues.

And yes, we had several conversations about the activities of the puppy and I printed out a one-page instruction guide with all activities and information. The sitter agreed to all of it.

Sorry, forum newbie here. I think I added it correctly. Please let me know if not and I’ll try again.

You might want to uodate your responsibilities section

As it reads now you really don’t expect much exercise for your pup.

It reads something like

‘we try to take the pup out in the evenings’

“You can take to local park if you wish”

‘Travel to other places appreciated’

It really doesn’t read like exercise for the pup is a priority for the sitter or for you

I appreciate the welcome guide and conversations may have more detail but maybe rethink what you want to say in this section.


This is all very disappointing and I hope you find another sitter who will give Draco the exercise and care needed.
You do say in the listing he’s 5 months, but here you say he’s 8 months. In the listing he’s a “pix mix” whatever that means, but also that he’s a Pitbull. You need to be consistent.


I would agree with this. I’d list out exactly what the sitter needs to do each day in the listing, not just in the WG or docs provided on arrival. Because this looks like just an hour at the park a day and then done. You say the park is 15 mins away. Is that on foot or in a car?

I would call out specifically how long he can be left alone. It sounds like 3 hours max but you should call it out. If you use a crate with him, you should mention that as some people don’t like it and won’t use it on principle.

He can go in the car but can he go on the ferry? Can he go in the NP (I know some have things about dogs)?

You say it’s not accessible via public transport then say the ferry from Seattle is easy - so could they come that way? All times for transport you should put whether it’s by foot or car.

How well trained is he? Will he signal to go out? How does he walk on the lead? Will you teach them his commands? Does he have good recall to go off lead at the dog park?

These are just a few things that would be in my head. If these are your actual dates, I think you probably have time to find a sitter. One thing that would help if you could make it 7 days vs 6 as many people set the filter to 1 week so your sit will not display to them.

Draco is adorable and I want to squish his face. Pitties are one of my favorite breeds and if I wasn’t on a different continent I’d favorite your sit for a later date.


Personally, I’d cancel the sit. Rate the sitter and then rate myself.

I can’t see the listing anymore but you have have to be clear and concise as to what you want on the listing so that people know your expectations and can be aware that they can meet them.

It sounds like the sitter was not up to par with the assignment, I’d note that future applicants should have experience with energetic puppies, times and lengths of walks, stay and exit requirements.

I have cancelled someone who wanted to keep my THREE pets in my bathroom when they mentioned that as a slip up (I don’t think they like animals, they want the stay…) the morning of a sit right before we left for the airport and they said that out loud.

In other words, listen to your gut and if it’s saying “this isn’t right.” Listen.


Cancel cancel cancel. I don’t think it’s worth talking to this sitter about your disappointments and hope that they’ll do better in the second sit-- they had already agreed to care for Draco in specific ways and didn’t, and they have already lied to you. What makes you think they’d be honest with you this time?

You may not find a replacement THS sitter for a puppy on so short notice, but I would much prefer to pay for a good sitter than rebook a sitter like this. There are a ton of Rover sitters in Seattle if you aren’t opposed to boarding him at their house and have time to drop him off. You can also try to invite THS sitters directly-- this has worked for me twice, but it is admittedly a pretty low success rate.

BTW I live on the peninsula too and know a great Rover sitter with two active and patient dogs. I’m not sure if their availability matches your needs but I can forward their profile along if you’re interested in reaching out!


I would cancel the sit.
No way I’d leave my dog (puppy or otherwise) a second time with someone who had spent so little time and effort to look after them.

I would also leave an honest review of the sitter stating that the requests to exercise and/or walk our dog weren’t met and the sitter left the sit earlier than had been agreed.


So sorry this is happening to you. You may be too tired to think everything through. So sorry about the dog bed! While some may have point in criticizing the listing for not spelling things out better, what it comes down to is this: The sitter and you were not a great mix. Especially with a puppy, you want a great and reliable sitter. Puppies are tough and some of the best sitters may just not want to take this on. In your shoes, I’d get someone paid in for the second half. Yes, it’s money but it’s peace of mind. Regroup later, give yourself time to think through what needs to go into your listing. Give Draco a little time to grow up. Get a little better at vetting and matching with sitters including asking tough questions and running through some “What if” scenarios on interviews and try THS again in a few months.


I know that I personally don’t do puppies. I don’t do dogs under 2. They’re too high energy for me. I’m all about long slow rambles not high energy walks and puppies are too hard to tire out. They’re adorable and I want to squish them all, but I don’t want to care for them. lol

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@crystalmtraver if you do decide to relist you should ask THS to change your dates rather than cancel as then you won’t be able to leave a review for this sitter. If you go down the paid route you can just leave the dates as they are and review at leisure when all your trips are done. Hope it works out for you and your puppy🤗

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