Advice please on children sitting, asking sitters to do things and home insurance

Hello all. Just joined and looks a great site. We wonder what the policy / experience is of owners if sitters ask to bring children? We have two small boys and lots of space so we would welcome this, but is this an issue?
Second question - we have dogs and when out limit our time to a few hours as they are locked in - unless out for the day when we arrange for friends to pop over. Is it ok to ask sitters to limit their time out so the dogs are ok?
Lastly is there any issues on home insurance? Membership includes insurance as long as you have an existing home insurance policy - which we do . But has anyone actually had to use this and how dooes that work / how did it go?

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Hi @Henpecker - these questions have been asked many times and as they cover several categories can I suggest you use the spyglass at the top right hand corner. You will be able to search for previous comments on the topics you raise.

Hi @Henpecker welcome to the Forum and to our TrustedHousesitters community, no doubt as a new member you will have many questions and you have come to the right place to get the answers. As @Twitcher says you can search using the spyglass and key words where you’ll find the help you are looking for also there is a Help Page on the website and of course our Membership Services Team are available via live chat and email …

Just briefly as I know our helpful members will give your more detailed help and advice. Children in the home: We have wonderful families who sit in fact @Debbie is a Mum with two boys who love to spend time sitting with animals, the boys are included in the family profile.

The choice of sitter is entirely up to the Pet Parent/Owner and that choice should be based on the sitter’s profile, application and subsequent conversations.

The time away from pets and home is according to your pets needs and your expectations, all of this should be discussed with potential sitters before any arrangement is agreed.

Your listing is the guide to your pets and home for potential sitters and there are articles on the website to help pet parents/owners create the best that they can >>>

There is also a topic about insurance A conversation about insurance and further info is on the website Help Page.

Welcome again and enjoy connecting with our members from around the world we look forward to sharing in your THS journey.


Hi @Henpecker We are sitters and homeowners.

These topics have been discussed many times already so do a search and you’ll find the threads.

Here’s one quick response, however:

Owners should specify in their listings whether a family can be accommodated. Our home listing states one or two sitters only, and in the case of two, each person must be represented on the sitters profile and be part of the pre-confirmation video chat. Make sure you clarify this BEFORE you confirm them. They should not spring the question on you after they confirm the sit. If they do, it is your prerogative to cancel their sit, as that puts you, the home owner, in an undesirable and awkward position.

Same goes for your pet question. State in your home listing how many hours your dogs may be left alone. Then discuss it thoroughly during the video chat before confirming a sitter.

Lastly, have a chat with your insurance agent about having sitters in the home and specifically about sitter’s children in the home. We have a rider on our homeowner’s policy to cover additional liability, if an injury to them or damage to our home would occur.

Bottom line, it is YOUR choice what you will or will not accept in your home with your pets. Do not feel shy about that. :slight_smile:


Hi @Henpecker,

I too am a mama (our daughter is under two) and while there have been homeowners that have specified “family friendly” they don’t actually mean “all children” as many homeowners are okay with children in their home as long as they are 5+ years old or in so e cases just teenagers…it really does depend homeowner to homeowner. So, if you so want to specify your home as family friendly I would also include in your written profile somewhere that your home is best suited for children ages ____and up.

In regards to your other question we specify in our profile that we do not want our dog being left any longer than three hours and we’ve always been able to find sitters that are more than happy to do that.