Hi I’m commenting with both my sitter’s hat on and as THS Team member
Team members apply for sits in exactly the same way as all members. These may be in highly desirable locations, or not it all depends on pets, places and timing and like other members we get accepted and rejected in exactly the same way.
I normally do all of our pet sit management from application through sit completion but for this exercise I asked my husband, who is not used to assessing the suitability of sits on first glance (or second come to that) to look at @Jordan’s listing and tell me what were the main points … I put him on timer.
… without reading?
After just 29 seconds he said, they want a single sitter because the apartment is small, they have 2 cats, over 100 plants and the apartment is not in the centre of London.
29 seconds to know that if he were part of a couple/family looking for a sit, with a dog in “Trafalgar Sq.”
this wasn’t the right sit and the application wouldn’t be successful.
Now if the sit was the right one and there were already 4 applications (even 5) if he started his application and stayed on the task, he could take as long as was necessary to complete a detailed, purposeful and potentially successful application (unlike others) and his chances of success would increase dramatically, in exactly the same way as it always has.
Point in case I recently applied for, and got accepted for a sit in a highly desirable location following this exact process.
If any member comes across press articles, blogs, online content or Social Media messaging “advertising” FREE travel and or FREE accommodation" the source is NOT TrustedHousesitters the only FREE used on the site and in our marketing is “The FREEdom To Travel”
Also something to be aware of the use of "FREE’ by media and external sources is nothing new it’s been used since THS started 13 years ago I have made many calls to get articles and headlines corrected … we didn’t always succeed but it’s important we get the messaging right.