I’ll be going away over Christmas - but still waiting for my partner to pin down dates for our visit to his family.
Best case scenario is that I get the actual dates so I can post them to find a sitter, but…
is it better to post estimated dates and make a note for applicant that precise dates are subject to change or is it better to wait until I can get solid dates (and nudge partner a bit harder…)
Hi @GardenCat. As a sitter I never take the dates posted on a sit as the definite dates. Usually after chatting with any HO the dates move a little to suit both parties. So I’d post your estimated dates now.
I would post the estimated dates and mention it in the listing. As a sitter, I usually plan in one day on either end so that there is flexibility. I would much rather have a sit shortened and need to get an airbnb for a night than to not be able to cover the entire duration in case of a change.
Follow up question: what’s the best way/best place to note that the dates are approximate on the listing? I just added the dates, but there’s nothing to indicated that they’re approximate, so assume I need to put it in my house description itself, somewhere… where?
Hi @GardenCat in the introduction section of your listing. Explain that you are unsure of your travel dates at this time and that those posted are approximate with some flexibility.