Awful Sitter Leaving Awful Review

We had a horrendous situation with a sitter (TLDR, we called the cops to have her leave) and she of course left an awful and flagrantly inaccurate and misleading review. We were in touch with THS and they actually found her in violation and even refunded our membership for the year as an acknowledgment of her awful behavior. Point is, they won’t remove the review, so now I am concerned about what people will think when they see our profile and if it also affects the “sitter” side since we do both. I ran out of time to leave her a review and have not yet responded to the review. What should I say?

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If member services removed the sitter from the platform - then your factual reply to her review can state that fact.

“We had to call the police to deal with this sitter. After investigating THS suspended the sitter from the platform .”

No need for any more details - If this is accurate ?


Hi @batyal I know that forum moderators have a limited scope when it come to the THS platform but I am tagging @Carla on this.

Carla may or may not be able to provide add’l assistance but this scenario seems worth a try.

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Okay thank you! Yeah it’s bothersome because they acknowledged by refunding me that she was out of line but now I’m still left to deal with this for the rest of my time on the app.

According to what they told me, they will suspend her if it happens again. Which I was frustrated with but I can’t do anything else. I submitted all of my evidence and texts with her. But I was going to say something like that in the response.

Thank you for the tag @HelloOutThere :slight_smile:

@batyal I’m really sorry to hear about your struggles with your previous sitter. As your forum email is not your registered THS email address then I am unable to pass it on to Membership Services as a follow-up to assist you further. Feel free to DM your THS email address to me so I can pass it on or you can reach back out to Membership Services and ask them for further assistance.

In the meantime, it’s great that you are getting peer-to-peer support on the forum and help with the reply to your review. Thank you @HelloOutThere @Silversitters for jumping in to help :slight_smile:

I DM’d thanks!

The Sitter was so awful that you had to have the police remove her from your home, and you “forgot” to review the Sitter within the (current rules) 14 day timeframe?

Really? Not quite sure I understand how anyone would “forget” to do a review under those circumstances.

Please enlighten us.


@batyal I too am interested in the review issue as is @PVGemini .
It caught my attention initially as well…could you explain more?

Many would be hesitant to comment without more info.

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I do not know what this sitter did, but if it was bad enough to involve the police, I question why THS is giving this person another chance to stay in someone’s home and care for their pets. Maybe there was a second side to the story. It is a shame that you did not leave a review as a warning to others.


Unfortunately THS does practically nothing to delete an account of a horrible sitter and there are many reviews on other platforms that confirm this.

That’s why I always ask about the passport and I only take sitters who are near my country. If ever something horrible should happen and my pets or house should be damaged I will solve this legally and definitely not count on THS.

THS also does not respond to reputation-damaging, and aggressive reviews. If something like that happens, you can claim someone for defamation. But for this you need to know his name, passport or address.

I was working directly with THS to resolve my complaint and was not thinking about the review since I was hoping she would be removed anyway.

@batyal Gotcha. That makes sense.

For everyone, I have a strange feeling that THS hardly ever removes a Sitter or Owner. People can get away with a lot.

It would be nice to see a List of the Offenses of 20 recently removed Sitters and Owners.


@PVGemini If there are 20 people who have been removed from THS, I’d be surprised. LOL :laughing:

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mistake of not leaving the review in the two weeks time window aside, what do this sitter’s other reviews look like? she can’t have fantastic scores can she?
in which case the solution is simple, simply mention it in your profile, that you would be happy to discuss this specific case, mention your other reviews, mention HER other reviews and people will see right through it.
also you can offer to show them the police report during the interview before the sit, assuming you have it.