I am no expert, so there are probably other ways to do this, shortcuts, and quick fixes, but here are a few screenshots to show how I post a picture to Instagram and tag #trustedtales (no space, all one word) to enter the monthly competition and share my pictures.
I use an iPhone, so the android app may be slightly different, and laptop/web/Ipad will differ again, but the basics of tagging should be the same.
This is the homepage of my Instagram on my phone when I open the app.
To add a photograph from your phone albums, click on the + box along the top, and you will get a dropdown menu.
Click on the “post” option, and this will show your last picture in your album, and other pictures below, search for the picture you want to post by scrolling through your photos, and click on the one you want and it will appear in the large box.
Click on Next (top RH corner) and on the next screen you can edit your picture, add effects, tones, shading, light etc - use the options offered or click on edit if you want more options.
Once you are happy with your picture click next. This is where you can name your picture, add a description, a location etc. If your phone settings record your location then a number of options will be offered to show where the picture was taken. You can use these, add your own, or omit them completely.
In the caption box, if you type #trustedtales, this is one way to post your picture to the trustedtales page on Instagram eg.
Tiga having a sleep. #trustedtales
Share will post your picture on Instagram
The other way to tag your picture is to make a comment on your own picture, using the comment icon, which is the middle one below your picture in the above screenshot.
You can then type #trustedtales in the comment box - other options will be offered as you type.
Then click post to post your comment, which will appear below your picture.
To view the trustedtales page, use the search (spyglass). I am not sure if your picture will be loaded immediately or if there is a delay for moderation, and I am not sure in what order the pictures appear. If someone “likes” your picture, you will see that like on your own home page next to your picture.