A few days ago, we confirmed a sit to look after 2 large dogs and a cat. In the welcome pack, received this evening, it states that one of the dogs - a Husky - sometimes messes in the house, especially in the bedrooms, and snaps at other dogs. A few other things are worrying but these are the main issues of concern.
We’ve messaged the pet parent and said that behavioural issues should be included in listings, not just in the welcome pack, and we’re not willing to do the sit (which starts on 9th May). The message has been read but not responded to.
I’ve contacted Membership Services via chat, stated our concerns and provided screenshots of the welcome pack and our message requesting cancellation (which is flagged as ‘read’). I am advised that despite all this, the sit cannot be cancelled without consent from the pet parent!
The MS agent kept referring to ‘cancellation guidelines’ and says we must allow 24 hours for the PP to respond.
Ive since looked again at my messages and see our cancellation message is now marked as ‘unread’. Checked the screenshot again and yes, it"s flagged as ‘read’, so not sure what’s going on there!
What are your thoughts / advice, please?