I completed a sit on Saturday and have just gone into the website and app to leave a review, however, for some reason I can’t. I’ve checked my dashboard, it’s not listed, checked on past sits where normally there would be a message to leave a review but, nada. Basically I’ve checked all the usual places. Presumably the owner is having the same issue. Is this a recent software fault?
Thanks in advance for help and, @Jenny, can you pass this on urgently please? Tia for help
Smiley, have you tried the good old remove and reinstall idea and/or clearing the cache in the app? I’ve had some weird stuff happening lately which has been rather frustrating but doing the above worked for me. Worth a shot?
I wonder if the pet parent’s membership has lapsed?
@Happypets hey that’s definitely a distinct possibility, never thought of that!
Thanks all. I’ve been onto customer support and Brianna was very helpful and efficient.
It seems because the end date of the sit was changed last minute (an extra day) which I accepted the owner didn’t confirm. I’ve proved to Brianna with WhatsApp messages to the owner that I did complete the sit and she has adjusted things so we can now leave reviews.
Big thank you to Brianna at customer support as I know I am prone to complaining a lot!
No it hasn’t
If the end date of the sit was changed by the pet parent but not officially amended, why would that impact on your ability to leave a review? Surely you’d have been able to do so on the day following the published end date?
All’s well that ends well, good news
Hello @Smiley
I’m really happy to hear that MS managed to get this all sorted with you before I started my shift today! Great to hear your feedback.
I’ve passed a copy of your post over to the team so they can let Brianna know.
Thanks @Jenny . I also let Brianna know
I accepted the new end date, changed on the website by the owner, but the owner didn’t then confirm me so there was no way either of us could leave a review as it looked like the sit didn’t go ahead