Pet owner can’t review me

Hi there, I finished a pet sit in San Diego a few days ago, I was able to leave a review for the homeowner but she cannot leave a review for me. This is the first time it’s happened to her. She says there’s no where to leave a review for me. Any suggestions?

Welcome back @LauraJ !

I would assume she will get/ have gotten an e-mail from THS about leaving you a review and could just access via that e-mail?

If you have submitted yours, she would get an e-mail from THS saying that a review is waiting for her and she needs to submit her review to see it.

Unless her membership has lapsed. You would probably be able to see whether her membership is active or not.

Hi @LauraJ. If she hasn’t received the email reminder to leave a review and can’t leave a review the usual way, she should contact membership services for assistance.

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How long ago did she last leave a review? Look at when her last sitter was there by her reviews, if her last sit was in 2023 then the whole format of leaving a review has changed. So just send her the link below for what to do.

Not sure what she has done, but here is how to do it for a Homeowner from the web (not app). If you click your name/icon you get a drop down. If you go to past sitters you’ll see your past sitters. If your sit was official and you were able to leave her a review, she should see your icon there and be able to leave you a review. If she can’t, she should contact a human at THS to help her before the 2 week period is up.

Ok! She was able to leave the first page review, and then left comments in my review of her… Thanks!!

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