Blocked out of sits that say I'm busy

I love the feature that says I’m busy on a sit but it comes with one drawback. When you do lots of back to back sits there are many times we leave a sit in the morning and can be at the next sit that afternoon or evening.
However with this feature you can’t do that, you have to leave a night free. If the feature could be changed to Are you busy with another sit? Giving you the option to still apply it would work better for perPETual house sitters :grin:


Did THS change it again? This problem had been fixed. And this spring I could do connecting sits: Nailsworth 25 - 29 May and Bath 29 May - 6 June.

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I’ve not been able to do connecting sits, massive drawback for me.

I have actually tried it again and seems to work :see_no_evil:


As you have now found out it is possible to apply for a sit that starts the day another one ends . We have done it often.

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Seems you have found it is doable. It could be useful to know as you say «we» that some who does back to back as a couple etc. have two memberships/ accounts, making it possible also to do overlapping sits, where one wrap up existing sit while the other travel to next sit and start it. It could solve some logistics for attractive sits and make it worthwhile.


Excellent idea!

I’ve just booked connecting sits. One finishing and another starting on the same day. :woman_shrugging: