Overlapping Housesits and not being able to apply

So, we do this for a living, and do back to back housesits and have done for 10 years!. However, down to the new settings if we finish a housesit on the morning of say the 4th - if there is another housesit starting on the 4th we can’t apply for it as we are “already busy on another sit”. But this isn’t the case. For example if our HO arrive back in the morning - it is possible for us to start another housesit that same evening but we can’t because Trusted won’t let us apply - thoughts?

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You probably do it full time and not for a living? :smile:

I actually thought you could do that now. Have you actively tried to do that or do you presume it?

If you are a couple, what many do and prefer is to split up, have two accounts and one finish the sit while the other start the next.


Hi Garfield - thanks for your reply - yes I have tried it and it doesn’t work. Having 2 accounts wouldn’t work as we have had the same account for 10 years with over 200 reviews so don’t think changing that would work but thank you!

You should be able to apply for a sit the same day one ends, we did it only recently for a sit in Incikoy. If it’s on the app maybe delete and reinstall to see if that works @Fionabarton1970 #itispossibletho



Two accounts will work, we are full time sitters and thats what we do. We use the new account for overlaps and just add a link to our main account in the application.

Its definitely the simplest solution to the problem.

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Ah ok - will maybe try that! Thanks Colin :+1:

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No definitley can’t…

Ask member services for help as it should be possible .

“We know that many sitters confirm back-to-back sits, and so to ensure these members are not negatively impacted, sitters will still be able to apply/confirm sits that end and start on the same day.”

A sit that we confirmed a month ago starts the same day that another ends , so it is possible.


There must be some sort of glitch. Since this rule has been in effect I have applied for and confirmed numerous sits that have started the same day a previous sit ends. The last one was just a couple of days ago.


Agree with @Silversitters and @KC1102 - must be an glitch, ask support as it’s a yes from us! @Colin’s solution of course another good option. #doublewinner


System double posting for me now :flushed::flushed:

Check with member services, you are supposed to be able to do this. I recently did two sits that had the same end/start date.


Ah, several dates. I have read before that the THS software does not handle that the way it should.

Depending on where you are sitting, I would recommend looking at additional sites to join. It really stinks to miss out on a good THS sit that has a potential overlap, but having an additional site to look at has it’s advantages- my only experience with this was in Australia where their site is very cheap and very active!

I had a couple on THS reach out to me and asked me if i would apply to a sit with the message that i was doing so, and gave all the info to homeowners. This was really great because the sitter who reached out was in the same exact location as the sit they were on. They actually posted the messages on THS forum with a help messages. You could do that. Also remember to remind the homeowners to cancel your invite so it frees the both of you do to limits.

Yeah, I agree with others. Something must be glitching. I am able to book sits that start the same day as the other one ends.

But I also agree, as a full-time house sitter, I wish we were given more flexibility to book close sits. I have run into the situation where I had a small 3 day gap and then a sit will come up that is 4 days and I am watching it just sit there because they can’t get a sitter but I could take 3 of their 4 days if only I could message them. But I can’t because the dates are grayed out because I am “busy on another sit” because of that 1 day overlap. I wish TH would just give homeowners the option to click a button on their postings saying we can message them to negotiate or something. I feel like sometimes this site benefits so much from those of us who do this all the time but then restricts us from being the most helpful.