Hello fellow THS
I’ve just received the welcome guide which among all the information informed of two cameras one pointing out to the garden and one in the kitchen to keep an eye on the dogs when the HO is out. She said I could unplug them from the USB on the wall but to reconnect them when I’m leaving the dogs on their own.
I feel that I will be ok with having them on all the time (half her luck if I want to walk around in the nuddie😜). Because I may forget to turn them on when I leave the dogs on their own. However, my question is if I’m on the phone will the cameras pick up my conversation?
Indoor cameras are a big no no and are against THS policy. Owners are only allowed outdoor security cameras during a sit. It’s good that she’s disclosed them and given permission to unplug them, otherwise she wouldn’t be complying with policy. However, if you really don’t mind and want to keep them on, I guess that’s your choice and at your own risk. I would really suggest though that you just unplug them. Most, I think, do have microphones so the owner is able to hear and talk to their pet through the cam, though it depends what brand it is - maybe Google the brand when you get there?
I’m not sure the owner is actually even allowed to ask you to turn the cam on when you leave the house though - indoor cameras are against policy, full stop. It seems you don’t mind, so it’s really up to you I guess, but personally I wouldn’t accept a sit with any requests for indoor cam use… just lends itself to a can of worms if you ask me!
Thanks Nagy26.
Wow I was not aware of the THS policy. Yes it would be a bit awkward knowing that my movements and my conversations on the phone are not private. I’m not sure ATM how I will go with this.
I’d either turn it off and forget to turn it on when I went out or tell her I wasn’t comfortable with the camera full stop. It feels like it could be used against you - we had a pet sit once where the owner monitored how long we’d been out with the dog/if we were double locking the door with her camera and it gave the sit a weird vibe.
Here is the THS policy maybe you could forward it to your hosts ?
Just unplugging it may not be sufficient depending on the model. We have several cameras from when we travelled for just a few weeks and had someone coming in one hour a day and one of them can function up to 30 days unplugged. We wanted to keep an eye on our cats who were alone 23 hours a day. Now that we found THS we sold a few of them and the others are in a box in a closet somewhere waiting to be sold.
It’s against THS policy. There A LOT that pick up conversation. By turning them on when you leave the house, also means the whole room would need to be spotless when you leave the house, because the HO is going to be able to see it. But there’s never enough cupboard space for food (in fact only 12% of HO’s have left us any cupboard space, but fridge space instead), so we typically leave our normal shopping on a counter top, so it looks messy and cluttered straight away, when in fact it is not. But it may unknowingly affect their opinion when they come to review you on cleanliness, even though it may be spotless on the HO’s return.
But also, what if the dog is distressed while you are out? Are you going to return to the property straight away? You would never be able to have a little downtime for shopping etc, which doesn’t make it a fair exchange.
But if it’s a young puppy I would understand their reasoning.
Can ‘Alexa’ pick up conversations that HOs can listen in on, and would doing so contravene THS rules?
I did a sit where there was an Alexa in the kitchen which I used for basic things, ie. listening to music. I think the lights on it were usually blue, but one evening I noticed they’d turned to green. I thought I must have left it switched on, but ‘Alexa, switch off’ had no effect. I did then wonder whether the HOs were able to access it remotely via their phones, and use it as a listening device…
A pet owner informed me that I was to leave her bedroom door open while she is away. I am not to enter the bedroom. She will leave a camera on in her bedroom. I can sleep in the guestroom.
I don’t like her having the camera on.
What is my recourse?
The sit has already been confirmed.
You don’t have to have the camera on. It’s against THS Ts & Cs, see the link that @Silversitters has put further up this thread. Send the HO a message with this link and say unfortunately internal cameras are not allowed on this platform. If she refuses you are well within your rights to cancel the sit and report her to THS. Keep us posted @Cheri #sticktoyourguns
The cameras will have microphones and they will absolutely be able to pick up anything you say near them. Definitley have them off when you are there.
Since they have said to connect them only when you are not there THS probably don’t have a problem so it is probably up to you if you want to do this. Everyone with a camera always says the same thing - that they don’t look at them and it’s “only in case” - and then they definitely look at them all the time. Chances are they will be monitoring when the cameras are on if you switch them on when you are out and complaining about how long you are out.
She could simply say that the camera has been turned off.
I was directed to never enter her room therefore I can’t confirm it has been turned off.
She told me that her dog repeatedly makes an unusual noise when left alone. When asked how she knew that, she said that she can hear him through her Ring (door camera).
Internal cameras on while you are there are not allowed so you are within your rights to cancel. Personally I would cancel (although obviously you may have travel plans booked etc) but my reasons for cancelling are:
The camera will still pick up audio
It is probably also able to see out the bedroom
Even if she said she will turn it off you can’t trust that she will do so and you are not allowed in the bedroom to check so if she leaves it on she will freak that you went and checked despite her lying about turning it off.
She clearly lacks the trust and respect I would offer and expect in return.
Yeah that’s separation anxiety. That’s one reason I don’t do dog-sits anymore and potentially she will be on you for how long you leave the house (she will absolutley be monitring the Ring doorbell for this). How long has she said you can leave the dog alone?
So now there’s a second camera to worry about: bedroom, and door. You have every right to cancel the sit, if you like, even if it was confirmed.
Added p.s. And listening to dogs’ “unusual noise” through the bell camera would really creep me out.
Doesn’t matter what she says. This is a platform for trust and mutual respect. Agree with @anon47943759 & @cawosey - neither exist in this instance, cancel the sit. You will be monitored and she will be a pain @Cheri #yourshout
@Cheri I can only assume that the reason that door to the bedroom must be left open is so the dog can access it but you the sitter are not permitted to !
What if the dog destroys something in the room or has an accident …chases a fly and knocks over a vase or similar - you won’t know and can’t enter to clear it up - then the HO comes back and blames you for an untidy home …
too many red flags for me.
Cameras must be disclosed in the listing
BEFORE a sit is confirmed
So the owner has broken the T&Cs and you can cancel the sit - explain your reasons to THS to cover your back
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