Can a "HO" be a renter?

I keep seeing “HO - HomeOWNER” and I’m wondering if this service is only for people who own their home, or if you can use this site if you are a renter?

Yes, it’s really a term of convenience. It includes renters. What it really means is “pet owner.”


@SandC Thank you so much!!

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@mars - that’s what I thought but I just wanted to check! Thanks so much for the quick reply!

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Hi @aubrier I see that you have had your question answered by our helpful members the only thing I would add is to make sure you consult your property owner/manager to check that it is OK to have a sitter stay while you are not there.

Most prefer that the home is occupied for security and insurance purposes.

Welcome to our community forum and we hope we can welcome you to TrustedHousesitters very soon.

Angela and the Team