Can you ask to have use of a car when it isn't listed as included?

Hi everyone! I understand that many HO do not want to include use of their car in the sit, and that this is up to them.

I am looking at a sit very close to my parents, and I think we could be potentially a great match for the HOs, possibly leading to an ongoing relationship with repeated sits. They have few applications for an open sit right now, and it is not a super desirable area for travelers. However, having grown up in the area, I know that use of a car would be a must for the sit to be viable for us.

Is it reasonable to reach out, introduce myself, and say that we would be interested in sitting if they would be willing to include car use? Or is that a faux pas since they chose not to include the car in their listing? Of course I understand that if we do ask, they may say no; just wondering if it’s worth offering them the opportunity.


Go for it. Ask away. You have nothing to lose. I wouldn’t ever include a car, because of the liability involved. But also, I probably wouldn’t use a homeowner’s car if I am the sitter, for the same reasons. I think though, that since this is a not so popular location and they have no other applicants, they would at least consider it. Be willing to provide proof of insurance and a driving record from your local DMV, if they request it. Good luck to you!

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Yes, you can certainly ask. They may consider it or they may decline you immediately. I would write a very nice introduction and application mentioning your family connection and that you may also be available for repeat sits. If you would consider the sit without use of the car (it sounds like you would not), you could mention that as well.

I would add that if a sitter asked that of my listing, I would ask in return if they are able to provide a $500.00 refundable deposit, which would cover my deductible, if there were to be an accident of any kind.

I would ask a HO this car question as a sitter, if it were a sit in which I was very interested and longer than two weeks, as I would expect to rent a car in my travels; usually about two weeks. I would offer a refundable deposit and get in writing the details and have it also go thru the THS email app.

I often wonder about sits without vehicle access of some sort with pets present for emergencies/vet visits.

We use THS for “vacation/travel.”

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I’m also investigating whether I could have my own car insurance cover me while driving another’s car.

I understand why you are looking into that. There are nuances that should be considered.

If the other driver is at fault…the HO needs to wait until the other insurance company handles the claim. There is no incentive to move quickly to pay a claim/ repair a car for a noncustomer.

If the HO iniates the claim to move things along, the deductible has to be paid first, then the HO is reimbursed but at least the car can be worked on.

So not only is the HO dealing with
insurance companies…but of course you would want to be/may need to be kept in the loop too.

If the acident is your fault…that’s another whole can of worms between you and the HO.

There is more too but I think you get my point. It’s not just HO’s are not generous etc…when it comes to vehicles…it can really turn into a crap show…and, you may not want that potential headache either, if you stop and think about it.

Good luck!

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Is it a dealbreaker for you? Would you be able to do the sit without a car?

If it isn’t a dealbreaker, I’d apply for the sit and see what happens without bringing up the car issue in the application. If you get a video interview, you could ask. There is nothing wrong with asking. If the HO says no, you could make a decision.

@Emily17 I would definitely ask for the lend of their car for the sit, especially if its a must for the area. Explain you are from the area and know that a car is necessary to get around and if it would be ok to use their car? If they hesitate you can always ask if you can go on their insurance for the time of the sit depending on how long the sit is for.

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I think it is a dealbreaker for us for this particular sit. We have the option to stay with my parents, and while we’d like the extra privacy that a house sit would offer us, it is not worth it if we can’t reach my parents to visit.

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No harm in asking, but they might need the car for their own holiday. Offer to pay the cost of putting you on the insurance.

Before replying I checked to see your location because country makes a difference. In the US insurance goes with the car, in the UK with the driver. If in an area without good public transportation, I will ask - sometimes the answer is no but often for me its been yes (in the US, Canada, and S Korea). HOs in Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, and pre-covid UK and S Korea have all agreed or even offered. Post-covid UK folks in places where a car is needed have shared the cost of a rental with me.


I’m not an insurance expert, but when I rent a car when travelling in the US, my car insurance covers the rental, so insurance does cover the person in that sense. Most US policies have a lesser amount of coverage an “uninsured driver” is driving your car. What is difficult in the US is figuring out an individual policy for “car insurance” if you don’t own a car, but my understanding is this is changing. (I know this because I was thinking of giving up my car and was looking into it.)

@Emily17 Hello, may we offer one perspective?

You asked whether it’s OK to contact homeowners "…and say that we would be interested in sitting if they would be willing to include car use? Or is that a faux pas since they chose not to include the car in their listing? "

It is certainly OK to inquire IF they did not mention a car at all. In other words, if – in their public listing and list of amenities – there is no mention of a car. Then by all means, ask so you can clarify this.

However, if the homeowners DO mention that a car is NOT provided – either in their public listing or amenities list – please do not mention it. Obviously then, they do not allow use of their car.

That’s a good distinction! I don’t think the car was mentioned at all, but I will double check.

Honestly, in your shoes I totally get why a sit is preferable for visiting relatives. I’d consider a car rental or these days a car sharing company. Not sure if I’m allowed to name it by brand, but they seem to be available everywhere for less than a rental.