Please Specify Transport Situation!

Hi all!
May I please make a plea to HOs on behalf of all sitters who don’t have their own car and/or prefer to use public transport: Please state in your listing what public transport is available and - explicitly - whether you’re willing to allow sitters the use of your car. I check the “Use of Car Included” box on the search filter and nine times out of ten, no mention is made of it in the listings that come up. Likewise, “Accessible by Public Transport”.
I’ve veered off some potentially perfect sits which have come up with both those boxes ticked, because the HOs didn’t mention either aspect.
After all, there are some great sitters out here who don’t come with their own four wheels!

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I only explicitly bring up use of my car because it has a manual transmission, which is not a common skill in the US. If I did not have to clarify that as a prerequisite to using my car, I would not think to mention it at all in my listing since it does show up in the amenities section. Why avoid sits that don’t explicitly reiterate this as they have already indicated a car (or public transport) is available?

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If those things are checked and listed on the listing then I’d just ask to clarify. We all know that instructions to HOs aren’t the best for how to complete a listing so they probably just assume that’s enough - similar to how the “time pet can be left alone” box works. If you’re interested in the sit and those things are checked, I’d just include it as part of the application questions. “Just wanted to clarify x and y since there are no details within the listing and it’s something I need.”

I get wanting HOs to add every bit of info but it’s just not realistic that they will, especially if they don’t read the forum (which most don’t). So as sitters we also need to take the responsibility to as the questions that are important to us.


In the UK the bus service isn’t always great in country places. Cars are not often listed because the insurance is on the person, not the address, as it is in places like Spain. So that doesn’t make it easy to lend out. Do look at a map before you apply for a sit, it’s the first thing I do to see how far it is and how feasible. In parts of Wales for instance a big Supermarket could be 20 miles as on Llyn peninsula, there are small grocery shops of course. A friend who lives less than 20 miles from Cambridge has a bus every 2 hours to a small town and no home delivery service as it is out of range for large supermarkets. The same in rural France you can go 50 miles before you get to any kind of shop. When you see the perfect sit, do some research before you commit. Cultural differences mean the owner won’t even think to explain because to them it’s just normal


I would also think that a host might want to screen who they would like to lend their car to. If the driver has the right permit, valid in country, experience with driving (such a car) or for instance age (as the insurance can have requirements).


Some research is needed by both parties to find the perfect sit/sitter. We cannot expect every single piece of information listed. Personally, if I cannot find the answer myself I put a polite note on my applicatIon asking specific questions. I have been known to just ask the questions and say I will apply once I know the answers.



How can you ask without applying? Or do you use the application-button and say in message you will apply, @ElsieDownie ?

I think I know the answer, just for clarification?

It’s not always that straight forward , for example there may be a local bus service but that could be once a week , every day or every hour . It may get you to the local shops but not to the airport.
It’s not realistic or possible to cover every detail and scenario in the listing .

Even for sitters that drive to sits there can be lots of questions we need to ask or clarify - for example for a city sit - is there a parking space available? Is there a charge for it ? Is the location in a zone with a daily charge for using a car ?

For anything that’s a deal breaker and not mentioned in the listing we go ahead click apply and ask .

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Yep, ask the questions and say I’ll reply once I know the answers. It is taking up one of the five precious spots so they answer pretty quickly.

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I totally agree, i am open to many sits, and because i dont see anything for transportation i dont apply. Transportation for us sitters is a necessity. We need to get groceries, in hot areas we need to buy sunscreen. Theres so much we cant take on our carry-on bags and hope a HO offers a car, or say the bus is a lock a way. Car rentals do not allow pets in their cars either. So if HOs would like sitters to take your pets with us places ,which most of us love to take pets with us, a car would be greatly appreciated.

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Simply because I don’t want to find myself in the situation of having to back down if it turns out the car isn’t available. If you’re getting the impression I don’t entirely trust THS’s lists, you’re not wrong. :wink:
As a classic example, the HO at my next sit is happy for me to use his car. But that box wasn’t ticked on the listing. I wonder if perhaps some HOs are just hoping they won’t be asked…