So the latest news is that so long as we continue to get our population vaccinated this summer, it looks like Canada may be opening the borders to fully vaccinated Americans in mid August, and possible the rest of the world (fully vaccinated) in September, for non-essential travel (ie vacations and house sitting.)
Details still need to ironed out - such as what countries, what to do about unvaccinated kids, possible exemptions for people with legitimate medical reasons for not having a vaccination (allergy to an ingredient, health condition etc), whether PCR testing will still be needed upon arrival etc.
I will share more info as it becomes available.
Amazing @Kelownagurl thank you for sharing some good … no GREAT news, will look forward to updates as and when they come through.
Thank you again!!
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News article link
We have about 80% pop with at least one dose and 50% with two doses. We expect to have most people with 2 doses by August I think.
Got my 2nd on Tuesday. So happy to have it!
I just hit two weeks post 2nd so I’m 2+2!
But hubby and I are holding off booking anything for this fall. The way numbers are looking in Europe (UK, France) and the US, we aren’t sure we want to risk a trip just yet. Plus we need to wait until Canada lifts the travel advisories to those places so our travel insurance is valid.
We might look for some sits in Atlantic Canada in the fall, or maybe travel around Vancouver Island for a couple weeks in September.
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And with my two doses, finally flying from Montréal to Nashville to visit daughter-son in law and my four furry grandchildren. Will be there for a month.
Wonderful! We probably won’t be able to see three of our grandkids in Auckland until 2022…
Kind of sad situation. But let’s keep our hope alive. I am flying tomorrow. Can’t wait.
You must be over the moon Brigitte! Have a wonderful time !
Travel safely and have a lovely time …
Great news. Hope to get there next spring.
Hope you have a lovely time
Just announced: Canada will allow fully vaccinated Americans to cross the border on Aug. 9, other international travellers on Sept. 7. Full details: Canada will allow fully vaccinated Americans to cross the border on Aug. 9, other international travellers on Sept. 7 | The Star
That’s good news @Snowbird ! We are popping this latest info into a thread very recently started on reopening in Canada to keep this all in one place for anyone looking for latest information. Thanks for posting!
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Just as an update, Canada will soon (by mid-end of October I think?) be requiring all passengers on domestic airlines, trains, and overnight accommodations on boats, to be fully vaccinated (unless they have a valid medical exemption).
If you’re flying to Canada from another country, you will have to be vaccinated anyway, but just wanted to share this additional bit of info.
Another update: BC announced today that anyone accessing non-essential venues such as concerts, sports, restaurants, gyms etc will have to show proof of vaccination. This includes people coming from other provinces, and of course, people coming from other countries. 1st dose by Sept 13, 2nd dose+ 1 week by Oct 24. For now, this is a temporary measure until January 31, 2022, but it could be extended.
Quebec has a similar plan but I’m not sure of the details.
Thank you for this update @Kelownagurl
Fantastic news. That’s next summer fixed then