Cancel by sitter (me)

I had to cancel a brief local sit due to last minute medical deployment to Florida.
Fortunately I had a great sit with this ho before, her trip was short and local and she was v gracious about my cancellation.
i just received a review form and I need to get this sit off of the books. I do NOT want to bother her due to her graciousness and not wanting to trouble her any more. Can I do this somehow ? Or, is there a way of deleting the sit without bothering her ? (She did not use another sitter from THS for this trip).

You can just not review. Or review based on past history and note that You actually had to cancel due to an emergency but you’ve sat for her in the past and your experience was XYZ.

If you contact they should be able to help you @toreishi. The Cancellation is for a very good reason or, if the dates for the sit have finished, you could say the sit did not go ahead for the reason you have given the owner. Not sure what you do about the star ratings though.

If you have already received the review form it means the dates are over so only THS will be able to fix it. I would follow @temba’s advice and contact them. I would not leave the review blank as that can have negative impact on the HO. Also, the HO will be requested to review you. IMO, the best solution is to get it off the system if you can. Otherwise, you can review based on past experience and say so. I have seen quite a few reviews like that with full 5 star rating.