Can't apply for sit after renewal date - new?

We have just tried to apply for a sit after our renewal date(even though we already have THS sits booked after this date) and got a warning message that we are app;lying for a sit after our renewal date and so we can’t get past it and therefore can’t apply for. This must be something new.

Anybody else experienced this?

Thats strange - Not a big deal if our renewal date is 12 months away but as the renewal date gets closer I hope we will not be stopped from applying? - @Angela_L ?

Previously if I have applied for a sit for a future date I have been alerted that the start date is after my renewal date but it has never prevented me from actually applying for the sit.

Sorry, my mistake (sort of!) The frendly message has got two buttons at the bottom that are invisible if you have the webpage scaled to 100%. When I resized it to 80%, low and behold the buttons appear and you can carry on with the application.
Maybe @Angela_L it could be resized so that it fits in a laptop screen and not have the buttons disappear.

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Hi @Goodboyjakey @Colin I was just in the process of replying, thank you for answering for me and for the feedback on the UX, I will forward to the appropriate team members.