Change of Dates - HO failed to share

In the U.K. we don’t use top sheets. I understand many Americans insist on them. May be helpful to know this?

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I already know that which is why I said top sheets are rare in some areas. I think you meant that for someone else.

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The Star ratings are for the THS community. They are not for validating a Sitter or HO. I would hope that Sitters and HOs rate accurately.

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@janestheone the UK uses duvet covers which can be easily removed and washed. This eliminates the need for a top sheet. In the US the blanket/comforter/duvet goes over the top sheet. The duvet cover and top sheet serve essentially the same function. I believe for the poster here the complaint was that there was no top sheet or duvet cover.

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That’s my understanding too. As far as I know, sleeping directly under the comforter with no removable cover to wash is not a habit anywhere, it’s just unhygienic. I haven’t seen that anywhere in the world.


It is quite a common habit in Thailand to use only a comforter without any cover @Newpetlover

Even many resorts (they’re somewhat like motels in US) or cheap hotels only have comforters without any cover. So, if we know we’re staying in those, we always have our own bed linens with us.

And just to be clear, our Finnish home in Thailand has duvet covers, though no top sheet.

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Thanks for the info.

And the comforter is not washed between customers?

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Most often they are, but I wouldn’t count on that :sweat_smile:


I hate the European lack of a top sheet. It’s awful in summer. I like to sleep with something over me so a sheet is perfect when it’s warm and a full-on duvet is WAY too much. I regularly will remove the duvet cover and use that as just a sheet in these situations.


That’s what I do. I don’t think that is so common in Southern Europe but I was shocked to find that in Lanzarote (Canary Islands) recently. We seem to be copying everything nowadays.

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So it seems. But I’ve seen on other sites Americans getting upset because top sheets (and “washcloths”!) are not provided in the U.K., so wanted to head that off

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I can totally relate to your situation, as I’ve had similar experiences over the past two years. It can be really frustrating when the expectations aren’t properly communicated, especially when travel plans are involved!

If I were in your shoes, I’d probably handle it in a way that feels fair to both sides. Here’s how I’d break it down:

I’d definitely rate communication lower—probably around 3 stars—since she didn’t disclose the flight issue upfront. I think it’s important to be clear about timing, especially when it affects plans like the transition to your next sit.
Again, 3 stars seems fair, especially with the undisclosed medication and the sit ending earlier than listed. It’s the kind of detail that can make things tricky, so it’s worth noting in the review for future sitters.
I’d personally go with 3 stars here too. Dirty floors and unclean sheets are definitely not ideal, especially when you’re expected to sleep in a certain room. I know it can feel awkward to mention, but I think leaving an honest review can help future sitters know what to expect.
If she does change her flight back to the original date, I’d be inclined to overlook some of the issues and give her 4 stars overall. But if not, sticking to 3 or 4 stars makes sense, as it reflects the challenges you had while being fair.

In the end, the most important thing is being honest while still recognizing the good things—like the awesome dogs! I’d mention them positively for sure, since it sounds like they were a highlight of the sit.

Hope that helps, and good luck with whatever decision you make!

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I just received notice the HOs are coming back a day earlier than expected. Maybe they were expecting me to spend the last night. But I am going to friend’s from here, so I will just head over a day earlier. But it changed my whole schedule for washing and cleaning.


@CatsAndDog If you haven’t already done so, maybe you should add that in your profile for those who aren’t aware of the European bed linen culture - just a thought…

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@KiwiSwede I doubt that the type of bed linen provided would be a deal breaker for most sitters doing international sits, so I don’t think mentioning it in the listing would be necessary. I do include it in the WG though.


But we ALWAYS have a duvet cover which is washed the same time as the bottom sheet and pillowcases……or I do anyways. But I also have flat sheets if someone wants them.


I have a new situation. HO decided to move up her flight dates, but I had a sit that was in conflict. Original sit starts on the 11th, she moved her flights up to the 8th. I have a sit 700 miles away until the 9th. She didn’t want to cancel me, which I wanted since I could easily make other plans, but she said she would make arrangements until I get there the evening of the 10th. I just messaged her to find out what am I arriving to on the evening of the 10th? Another sitter? Family member taking care of the pets. I will not know the condition of the home or anything. I feel uncomfortable about this. I imagine others have done hand offs? I wish I could cancel. But she has to cancel.


You can contact THS and ask them to cancel if you can’t get your host to. That’s because they’re changing the parameters of the sit you agreed to originally. They can’t do that unilaterally.

Have your documentation ready.


I did. But she is having her daughter or sister cover the pets until I get there. So the terms of the sit really haven’t changed. So I still have it.

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I would press this with MS. The terms of the sit has changed and you’re not comfortable with the new ones. I once had a sit where the brother stayed for a week before I took over (I didn’t know this was happening) and he left the place trashed. Garbage and dirty dishes everywhere. The HOs were mortified, but I ended up having to deal with it because the HOs were new to the area so didn’t know a cleaner and wouldn’t be able to get someone there for a few days. I will never do a non-HO handoff again.