Clothes and multiple house sits how much is too much?

No I don’t, but if I did, could wear leggings, easier to pack.

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I often bring this when I travel by car!

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Can you actually get in the car to drive it @Smiley with all that?? #justasking :laughing:


We left the UK in 2022 with a plan to travel for 1.5 year non stop. We had to pack for a very cold Canadian winters and hot Caribbean summer plus hiking in the jungle. Also we had some diving accessories with us, masks & boots and my wetsuit. 2 x 23kg checked luggage, 2 small backpacks, 1 laptop bag and one bigger backpack for my partner tech stuff & camera and a drone. Honestly, nightmare :rofl: While I packed my checked bag almost perfectly and used all my clothes during that trip, my partner definitely had too much. And this is a guy who travelled light for 10 years with only one backpack :rofl: For our current long sit in Spain and upcoming in Cyprus - easy, only cabin luggages, laptops and small backpacks. Also, prices for checked luggage are extortionate…
We are thinking to do another 1 year + trip from next summer, definitely less baggage for us then.


Well I had a pair of brand new Sketchers and gave them to a woman in Giza. I have a pair of Keen sandals I can do pretty much anything with. And yes I wore them to the gym today :laughing:. I go barefoot as much as possible and wear socks as slippers. I two now have one pair :laughing:.
I just swap out as needed vs carrying all this stuff. I also have a very wonderful lightweight water repellent windbreaker.
Charity shops are my go to and Primark :blush:
All my books are digital and I literally have hundreds.


Fabulous book. Got it on Audio


Thanks so much, Andrea! :yellow_heart:

I’m not a sitter but I am taking notes as I’m traveling to Switzerland and Morocco in October and completely confused as to how to pack. I’ll have to check my roller bag as I’m traveling with paints, but it’s still only carry-on sized. It will basically be half full of art supplies a half with clothes miraculously appropriate for autumn in both the Alps and Marrakech :crazy_face: Layers will be my salvation! Shoes are tough though, I have achy arches and need proper support.

@amparo I’ve been looking at Keen Rose sandals, which I think would also suit for a snorkeling trip to the Galapagos next summer. Which ones do you love?

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Newport H2 closed toe water sandals
I’ve thrown them in the washer too!


Mustafa has those ones @Amparo and loves them. We’ve done long sits & travels in Switzerland and Morocco @Shafofo with cabin only but not at the same time :rofl: #topcombotho


Plan for layers of clothing. Double check that each Sit that you have booked has washer and dryer. When driving, I bring just enough clothes for one week of outfits, so that I don’t have to do laundry more than once per week.

Even though you have your car, I would still try to minimize. You never know when you might have to stay in a hotel for a night or two, and you don’t want to worry about someone breaking into your car. And you don’t want to have to bring all of your stuff into your hotel room!


Perfect, thanks for sharing your All-Purpose-Keen!

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We take what we think we need. It makes us happy. For 10 years of straight housesitting this is a sample of what we carried by plane, car, public transport. Sometimes it was inconvenient however We never wished for anything.

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We’ve been traveling for 2 years pet sitting all over the world. Since we’re traveling internationally, we don’t have a car to haul things so we have a medium size backpack and small roller suit case-the kind that can fit in the overhead but we usually check the bag anyway. Anytime we want to make any additions, we have to get rid of something.
When we started out, we began piling up things in the corner of a room that we might want to take. Then we got out the suitcase and backpack, started with what we absolutely needed and then determined what else we could fit in the bags, leaving the rest.


I meant re shoes i.e. you’d need trainers

I buy those. Was wearing nearly every day for 16 months and they started to split and lose their grip

We have been full nomadic for four years and have a suitcase each and a backpack each for our laptops.
Between us we have a pair of trainers each and a pair of shoes to share. 3 pairs of jeans, 6 pairs of shorts, too many tee shirts, one shirt, 2 jumpers, 3 pjs, a dozen pants, same socks, far too many youth promising lotions, potions, creams, serums and toiletries, various plug sockets, a handful of sponge scourers, 2 hats and a 4.5 tog quilt!

This week we are having a sort out to see if we can whittle it down as the cases are getting a bit too heavy- Who needs a dozen pairs of pants? - ridiculous!!


I think I must be the last person alive on Planet Earth who doesn’t own or has never ever worn a pair of crocs? Am I missing out?! :thinking: Do I need to jump aboard the croc train?! :laughing:

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Second to last, I dont either :rofl:

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We must be the absolute last of a dying breed! :laughing:

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