Clothes and multiple house sits how much is too much?

They’re not the normal Crocs but lovely flip flops by Crocs

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I vote for Amparo’s Keens over Crocs!! You can go hiking in Keens. Very all purpose, sturdy, cleanable, and comfortable.


For this I have devised a hack that’s been working for me. I have small and large ziplock bags and a couple of 30 ml screw cap plastic containers. I use the plastic containers to put my toothpaste and the other for my “anti aging cream”, I’m aging anyway go figure but I discovered that it works even better on my feet. :laughing:
In the zippies I have anything from instant coffee, tea, emollient, and vitamins. I never ever carry anything that is in its original container. Takes up too much space and adds too much weight. My own body is weight enough these days :joy:
All creams and such are small enough to fit in the TSA zippie bag for customs.
With all my travel I have an allowance of two free check in cases but unless I am importing a kitchen faucet or two to a third world country (true story) I keep the weight off the plane :blush:


We love that you share the extra shoes :mans_shoe: @Colin - one day when we meet for coffee or beer will be checking your feet to see who got the posh option in your house :rofl::raised_hands:t3: #oneeachplusatrainer :heart:



Mon, Wed, Fri,- They’re mine

Tues, Thurs, Sat, - They’re his

Sundays we arm wrestle to decide :wink:


Ditch the lotions and potions (you don’t need them)
Ditch the duvet (I won’t even ask)
Ditch the hats (you will only eat them)
Buy another pair of shoes to keep the peace :joy:


@Chatsetchiens @Gabba I too have never worn the Crocs clogs but I absolutely swear by Crocs flip flops! Soooo comfy. Its the only brand of flip flops I buy these days! The hubby is a convert too! Pic below shows my absolute favourite ones!


Never worn crocs but I permanently injured my foot years ago which required a hospital visit. The chiropodist/podiatrist there said I had bad feet :flushed: but the best thing I could wear for bad feet were crocs. Still can’t bring myself to buy them but would definitely buy the thongs, or flip flops as they are called in most countries.


You know ahem ziggy, that could be the problem. Never take advice from anyone not in the field :rofl:
Orthopedist maybe :kissing_heart:


the woes of “Autoincorrect


Hahahaha oh how I hate autocorrect :rofl: Human corrected now :joy::joy:


Only just! Certainly can’t pick up any hitchhikers! :joy::rofl:

I agree wholeheartedly. Soooo comfy! This is one of my current Crocs flip flops. I was being lazy earlier when I posted a picture from Amazon!


@Smiley Haven’t tried that model yet. My hubby loves the Athens range but hard to get these days… I had my own pic of my leopard flip flops but could couldn’t find it so posted a google pic!- but I am wearing that exact pair right now!

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Wish I could read digitally but hate reading online.

@Smiley Have you ever tried reading on a Kindle Paperwhite? I was always resistant to reading digitally till I tried one of those and was hooked immediately! The internal light is very different than reading on a phone or tablet. Its like reading a book with a light shining down on it. Relaxing on the eyes and brain. I still love a real book in the hand (reading one right now!) But my Kindle has been a godsend for travel reading whilst on the go!


@Lokstar I also highly recommend Kindle Paperwhite! Mine goes everywhere with me.


Another vote for the Kindle Paperwhite. I never overly enjoyed reading before I got one, now I read a book every few days.


No I haven’t but have had it recommended before. I still just like having a book in my hands……

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That’s a Book Festival girl @Smiley if ever I met one :rofl::heart: #hayalltheway (can also attest a Paperwhite is very good tho)