I have a dog and cat sit starting in mid November and was able to meet up with the pet parent, her dog, cat and 2 emergency contacts last week.
I am concerned about some aspects of the sit which I wasn’t aware of before the visit. The pet parent invited me to the sit back in June, while I was getting ready for a sit due to start in a few days, as well as a big family birthday. I replied to the pet parent that I was very busy and would need to get back to her with any questions etc but was interested. Within a few days, the pet parent sent another message asking whether I was interested in the sit. I asked if she had seen my previous reply and I think she said ‘no’ even though it was marked as read. I asked if either pet had any health problems and the pet parent twice answered ‘no’, just that the (14 year old) dog was getting old. She also described the pets as being ‘no trouble.’ As I was so busy, was interested in the sit, which I thought sounded fine and had the impression the pet parent wanted a quick answer, I accepted the sit, also saying I could arrange with her to visit at some point in the autumn before the sit. I now regret agreeing to the sit without asking more questions and plan to take more time in the future even if that means the pet parent offers it to another sitter instead of waiting.
When I received the Welcome Guide sometime in August, it stated that the dog had allergies, needed daily medication in his food, his ears and eyes wiped daily, was deaf in one ear and becoming a little incontinent. I messaged the owner saying I thought these things were health issues. She replied again that he was just old.
I wish I had been able to visit earlier but had a busy summer/early autumn with already arranged sits, family events and a long term friend dying.
When I visited the house last week, the dog rubbed his ears on me repeatedly, which I was told he does to everyone because they’re so itchy. The pet parent told me that if the dog needs to urinate in the night, I should try to get him into the kitchen if not the garden in time, then soak up the pee with one of the many towels provided. She also said he tended to pass solid faeces in the house so it would be easier to clean up.
The pet parent seemed anxious about the dog, saying she just hoped he would last through the winter, also getting anxious when he stumbled a little, which turned out to be just his rain towel caught on his leg.
I was told that the emergency contacts I met would take over if the pets needed a vet and that one of them would phone me every day to check how I and the pets were. I am not too keen on regular phone calls, which I’m likely to find stressful, though reluctant to discourage any support with the dog. I was also told the landlady of the house would probably visit with her dog on the 2 Sundays I was there. The pet parent said she would tell the landlady to bring her key when I asked what if I’m out.
When I asked about heating, the pet parent said she kept the main room at 19.5C or less and wasn’t heating the bedrooms, I think suggesting I didn’t either. I know that I am unable to sleep and likely to get ill when a bedroom is too cold for me. I am wondering about offering to contribute to the heating bill for the 12 days I’m there if it means being warm enough, though fear this could offend the pet parent.
I would very much like this elderly lady to have an enjoyable, relaxing holiday and to do the very best I can to care for her pets and house. I doubt very much if I would have agreed to the sit if I’d had all the information I have now. I’ve been sitting for a little over 2 years, have some good reviews and have gained valuable experience. With this sit, I feel out of my depth. I expect to be thankful for the support of, but overwhelmed by the amount of contact I’m likely to have with the contacts and landlady, which I haven’t been consulted about. I also wish more pet owners would inform themselves of the Third Party Policy.
Although I plan to clean up as thoroughly as possible, I feel uneasy about preparing food in the room the dog has used as a toilet, would have liked. I expect to be cold, very tired and to find the unpleasant smell in the house I noticed difficult to cope with. My guess is that the pet parent is doing the best she can. I don’t think I have any choice but to grit my teeth and care for the well loved pets as well as I can but wish I’d known more about the sit in advance.
Sorry for the long post. Any constructive comments welcome.