Curious how 5* sitters with lots of reviews initially respond when applying for a new sit

I’m building my reputation and look forward to sitting/visiting more places on our must see list. I’d love to hear how THS sitters with lots of 5* reviews apply for a sit. How do you first respond and introduce yourself? :sunglasses:

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I don’t have “lots” of 5-star reviews compared to many people here. I have 16 of them.

My applications are basically the same as when I started - I explain my experience (especially if they have pets with special needs), why I want to be in the area, I refer them to my pet social media accounts (one is for paid pet-sitting locally so they can see reviews, and the other is for my rescue work). I make sure to refer to the pets by name, etc.

There are lots of threads here about good applications for tips.

Good luck.


We just type a brief friendly message stating that we’d love to sit for them, have x amount of experience, that we enjoy that breed or animal, and we give a few compelling reasons why they should choose us & why we’d be a good fit (e.g: we can offer X, have experience with that breed, or we address something specifically mentioned in the listing that the owner is looking for). We also mention that we’d enjoy seeing the area. If there’s something we’re not quite sure about that’s unclear in the listing (e.g: how accessible it is with public transport) we will ask in the initial message. We make it clear in the last sentence that if they’re interested, we’d love to arrange a video call to discuss details further. That’s about it really - just a brief paragraph :blush:

If there is no response within about 3 days, we might send a follow up message (if we’re really keen on the listing), otherwise we will decline after a few days because we can’t wait around forever. Most of the time though HO’s respond with a nice message back :blush:


We approach the sit application process by crafting an individual application, showing enthusiasm, listing reasons why we would love to do this particular sit, giving some background info. and also referencing our THS experience. I wouldn’t expect to get any sits if we skipped all that and just told them to go read all our amazing reviews of course.

Happy sitting @NCSitterPD


Hi. I have a few boilerplate responses saved on my iPhone iNotes and send a 2-3 line intro that I am putting myself in the queue and will circle back at the computer with a longer intro letter… If I am applying for abroad I mention my connections there, or if it’s near my base or other areas in the States… Then the next letter I share my origin story on the site, my enthusiasm for going above and beyond and the animals and places/ peeps I have connected with. I suggest they look at certain things in my profile… Lastly I suggest a video interview… often my first note starts the ball rolling if they look at my profile/ reviews…


I say:

"Hi (name) and (partner’s name if they have mentioned it),

I would love to be considered to look after your lovely pets Hulk and Batman. (I always mention the pets’ names).

I have experience doing … (something mentioned in their listing - to show you read their listing. Not everyone does!)

(Plus any other info you think will assure them you are fit to take care of their loved ones).

I look forward to hearing from you" etc

If I don’t get a reply I don’t follow up. I like good communication, and can afford to weed out the bad communicators.

Good luck!


Appreciate your responses. Seems like you all have a similar approach, and it’s in line with what I’m doing though I’m very early in the process. Having a blast though!! :star_struck:

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We have a few different templates we can quickly customize for each sit, a slick screening process, and have set up an alert system that helps us get in quick to popular sits that meet our criteria. We get the majority of those we apply for and we are very picky. 73 sits (67 on THS) all 5 star.


As most of the sitters applying for our sits are from abroad, this is something I like to see in the application. I’m a bit wary of sitters who’d be travelling here just for our sit (unless it’s a really long one).

I feel more at ease if our sit is one part of their travel plan in Thailand or South East Asia or if they have some other good reason to be here (visiting family or something).


Hmm, interesting how differently we perceive (and judge) our conduct. I, who travel the world constantly (just because) and have done so all my life, would be rather wary of a host who questions my travel choices, as it would mean to me we are not particularly compatible, at least on this matter… and there might be more to come.

Hmmm, my best plan is no plan :smile:


Yes, I think that’s what THS is all about @messenger, finding a good mach :+1:

Just to clarify, I don’t question anyones travel choices. I just go with sitters, who seems like a good match for our sit. This far two sitters were doing a South East Asia tour, and our sit nicely fitted to their plans for their time in Thailand, and one sitter will be visiting their family.


It is not about being judgy about conduct. For the HO, it is about estimating the risk of travel delays and cancellations.

So yes, I always mention this kind of thing in my application. It would be specific to the sit that I was applying to, whereas lots of other stuff (like experience etc) is more general and can be left in my profile. My applications are quite short.

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I introduce myself and type a chatty type of message to the pet owner, I type the way that I speak.
In the end, I ask them to read my profile and reviews and see if I would be suitable for their requirements.
I know I won’t be everyones cup of tea in my approach though.

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Sure. I like to believe people flying across the world for no other (apparent) reason than a petsit are experienced enough travelers to know what they are doing and take any potential risks into account so that they arrive on time

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That is not always the case. They may have underestimated the time it takes to obtain visa. They may have underestimated the cost. They may have overestimated their own finances. Etc, etc.

When I got a sit confirmed in Cambridge (UK), the HO was a bit alarmed when they realized that I am based in Sweden. So I bought a ferry ticket and sent them a copy. The reason was that they had had several cancellations by sitters from overseas.


That makes sense. Coming from the US, if I am traveling abroad I will most likely make a trip out of it with the house sitting being a part of it, unless like you said it’s a long sit.

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This makes sense to me, and I’m more of a planner, at least a loose one.

This! I tell them why I’ll be in their area, why I picked their sit, how I’m getting there and that if I seem like a good fit to send me a message! Short and to the point. Everything else is clearly stated on my profile and can be talked about in the follow up communications!


We have over 100 five star reviews and my letter of introduction has never changed. I’m a very chatty person so it’s long. I detail why I think we are a good fit for their pets, why we want to be in that area and an introduction to us, our lifestyle and our experience. Last of all I point them to my very detailed profile, references and reviews. Any questions next then a hoping to hear from you soon.


Thanks so much and congrats on your 100+ excellent reviews.