No response to sit requests

Hi everyone, I joined THS a last week and have applied for 4 sits, all within the next 3 to 4 weeks. I have read the sit requirements and tailored my request to the individual. All 4 messages have been read, but I’ve not had a reply. Some say that other applications have been received. I wasn’t sure if this meant they were just deciding between the applications, or if no response was normal? How soon before a sit do people usually get in touch?

Thank you

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Some people reply promptly, some within a couple of days, others never.
The “other applications have been received “ answer may be their diplomatic way of saying: we are going with someone else.
You can always nudge them.
You can keep applying to other sits.

Once you’ve got a few reviews under your belt then pet owners then pet owners will respond very quickly if they really want you, and if they have been on THS a while. With newbies it’s different, because they ‘think’ they can take their time to decide, and so they miss out on great sitters to other owners.

But what they are probably doing, is keeping you as a back up plan, with you just being new and having no reviews on THS as yet. Which is sort-of a good thing, because they aren’t ruling you out.

If someone doesn’t message us back within 24hr, then I remove my application and move on to those who respond straight away, as I know we will get on better with those owners. But until you have a few reviews all you can do is be patient.

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Thanks so much for your replies, thsts really helpful. I will kerp applying and see how it goes.


Don’t lose hope @Happymonday
I have found that I had to close the THS app on my phone and reopen it to force a refresh of my Inbox.
I now add my phone number into my application and mention I’m on WhatsApp, as some home owners don’t get notifications of messages from the app.
After 24 hours of no response, if I really want a sit I will message again, this time applying some time pressure. This has worked before when home owners forget to check the app for messages, or get busy and forget to respond.
And I apply for about 4 sits at a time to increase my chances of getting one.
As @HappyDeb said, for people new to THS I mention that they have to move quickly, as I’m considering other sits/have video calls planned with other home owners.
It also helps to have references on your profile if you have no THS reviews yet.
Best of luck!


There is no usually. Some respond right away and others take weeks. In the beginning I just waited and waited. Now, I withdraw my application if they can’t get a message back to me in a timely manner. I also do not feel bad about apply for as many sits as I feel like and then withdrawing from any that have conflicting dates


I withdraw my application if I don’t get a reply or it’s unread within 24-48 hours. Some might think this is too quick, but it’s certainly worked for me as it declutters my mind and means I no longer think about that sit and move on to another possibility either sits or other social engagements. Also I have quite a lot of fun stuff going on in my life hobbies etc so I like to know what I’m doing on a quick turnaround at the decision making end of things. It’s a complex puzzle (mine and hubby’s diary that is) a bit like a Tetris game; I’m making minor adjustments all the time to fit stuff into our busy ‘retired couple’ schedule.


Hi @Happymonday
Your question has been posted and discussed a lot on the forum and there is a lot of advice. Please don’t lose heart however.
Here is one thread which may help you, posted back in 2021, although I know there are a lot after then:

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Hello @Happymonday & welcome :wave:t3: Lots of good advice already on here. A few things to consider. Do you have any references on your profile as you’re new? If not, get a few. Are you applying for competitive spots as local and short sits are often easier to secure first off? Do you have plenty of pics of you with pets on your profile? (Add it to your forum profile to get useful feedback as @BonnyinBrighton suggests). Keep applying. Someone on here, @richten1 i think, said it took them 23 applications to secure their first sit. Don’t give up!! It’s a great lifestyle so enjoy the journey. #everyoneisanewbieatsomepoint


Welcome @Happymonday
When I first joined THS it took me 23 applications before I got accepted for a local sit (recently completed my 21st sit in just under 2 years on THS). As stated already it gets easier to get sits once you have good feedback (although you still get declined or ignored!).
So keep going. Good luck


Thanks so much for all your helpful advice and link to a previous thread. My profile has lots of photos some of the pets I have had in the past and Ive tried to make by bio as interesting as I can wothout being too OTT!

Funnily enough last night I had a message from one of the sits asking for a video call, and another one to decline my sit as they were going with someone who had sat for them before. It was a really nice message so I do feel a bit better.

Because Im new to the site Im starting off with short, local sits to build my confidence and profile up.

Thanks again for your help, much appreciated.


We joined a year ago and couldn’t apply until we had references but others that joined around the same time apparently were able to apply for sits without and references.
Seems strange

@Hallt64 Maybe you joined right after references became required. When I joined about 2 years ago references were not required. I didn’t bother with them because they seem kind of irrelevant to me - anyone can get a friend to write them a reference. I guess they might be helpful it someone is having trouble getting started. But now they are required whether needed or not. Another one sided THS policy.

I need a different emoji :face_with_raised_eyebrow: #makesnosense


@Hallt64 We joined 6 years ago and were required to provide 2 external references before our profile could go live. Some time later that must have changed that because I often see sitter profiles without references. I do think references are extremely helpful for new people to get started. So whether they are required or not I would highly recommend all new sitters to get a few to increase their chances of getting those first sits!


@Lokstar I agree, they are probably useful to get started. I just think they should still be optional, so sitters can decide for themselves. I didn’t add any, but I did link to my Airbnb profile that, at that time, had about 25 reviews saying that I’m a great guest - quiet, respectful, and clean. That was probably a good alternative to personal references.

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@systaran OK that makes sense. Airbnb reviews are perhaps more reliable that personal references that could be faked. When we joined (6 years ago) there was not yet the option to link airbnb and linkedin profiles.
Perhaps that’s why references were required. What we actually did at the time was hand pick our best airbnb reviews and copy them into our profile info ‘about us’. That -plus our two external references- really helped get us started. Our very first sit was an international one- a month over Christmas in Perth, Western Australia!- We flew in from Bali & the hosts (also first timers) flew to India to get married! So much trust was involved- we really relied on each other! We may have just got lucky getting that sit but I’m sure our references & airbnb reviews did make a difference in us getting chosen.
That’s why I’m surprised to see profiles with no references, no reviews & no linked profiles- the potential hosts don’t have much to go on.
But everyone has to start somewhere and we all find our own way! :blush:


I had no trouble landing sits from the start without references. That included getting unsolicited offers to sit. And I flew cross country or abroad.

Some sitters have an easier or tougher time than others, based on their profiles and when they join. Like there have always been way more sits than sitters since I joined.

Plus, I fit a demographic that’s popular with hosts: older woman who sits solo and telecommutes. My LinkedIn helps — hosts have mentioned it — because it reflects a lot of responsibility.

I have my own damaged rescue dog, who’s required much care and patience. And I’ve owned homes for decades.

I wrote a robust profile, taking hosts’ POV, to highlight why I’m trustworthy. Added Linkedin and Airbnb. The latter is skimpy, because I prefer hotels when paying, but those reviews highlight that I live cleanly.

All of my THS reviews have been strong, so that’s helped me get quick replies from hosts. I also don’t bother with slow ones — I withdraw my application within 48 hours if they don’t get in touch. I quickly booked up for 2024 by focusing on prompt hosts.

I remembered writing the same question when I started less than a year ago — and have decided it is correct to withdraw my application in 48-72 hours if no reply, or my application has not been read.

I will note that from my experience Americans are generally much slower to respond than Brits — but given I wanted to spend the summer exploring the UK, that has not been much of a problem for me.
I was mainly applying for US sits to gather reviews. And I have already been invited back to 2 of them.

One US sit that I withdrew after 48 hours reached out to me a day later asking if there was any chance I would change my mind bc they really liked my profile (& likely were just procrastinating). In this instance I did agree to the sit bc I needed those 5 stars, but now I’m in a position of not needing to wait. And I’d bet they will be less likely to procrastinate in the future :rofl:

I’d say 72 hours max — then say goodbye.

If someone is not going to respect my time and effort, I don’t think we’d be a good fit anyway.

It can be a little slow at first, but hang in there!! I’ve had great US sits, and can’t wait for my 7 weeks in the UK!

As always, good communication is key.
I have been corresponding with 2 of my HOs for the best part of the past year, so we feel we know each other (& I know the dogs and see pics and videos of them). At this point, it feels like I’ll be caring for a friend’s house and critters. It only takes 5 or 10 minutes a month to stay in touch via WhatsApp.

Best of luck!


@Happymonday I’m still fairly new here and found I got responses (acceptances) when I applied for local (or fairly local) sits that began pretty soon. I did this to build up good reviews. I found HOs liked that I was happy to go to meet them (if they were about 30 mins drive away) and could start the sit in the morning without having to stay the previous night.

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