Direct messaging sitters to invite

I stand corrected thank-you.

I’ve ignored the calendar this time as so many people say it’s not right (obviously if the dates are crossed through that I need, I don’t message and I only message people who I hope will be a yes such as if they work remotely or are retired for example).

The dates I need are the end of February and the sit was advertised since September. We did have someone secured but sadly she had to pull out and so I’m back to the drawing board.

I’d highly recommend popping a link to your profile on your forum profile, then people here can comment and advise xx

Hi, I read your bio too and I love how open and honest you are and all the information you provide. I know alot of people dont bike but then alot of people do and since you mention biking trails, if you provided a bike as well, that might be something folks would appreciate too, especially if they dont have a car. I know some of us as sitters really appreciate that. I am on a sit now and I get to use their bike and its been just great. I hope you continue to find good sitters.

We don’t have bikes as we don’t have a shed large enough so I might remove that from the listing, thank you, though!

Hello @Suziep and welcome!
As @iamplankton said:

We are both homeowners and sitters. As a homeowner, I would really like my “favorited” sitters to be moved to the top of the list of sitters who have marked us as a favorite. This way, I can tell which sitter profiles I have reviewed favorably. I would also like the sitters I mark as a favorite to know that I have done that. It is my understanding that the sitters don’t receive notification when someone marks them as a favorite, and I think they should. Homeowners already get notified when a sitter marks them as a favorite, and I think the sitters would like to have the same notification. Then they could reach out to each other more efficiently. Just my humble opinion. Does anyone else think this would make sense?

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I imagine people don’t want to link their profile is because the forum offers a place for open and sometimes frank discussion.

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I think it’s more that people don’t know how, it’s super useful. However, I do find some of the comments can be less than friendly and whether that’s intended or just how I construe it, but kindness costs nothing and people are much more receptive to constructive feedback than criticism. It’s quite heartbreaking when you feel singled out or nitpicked at, when actually aren’t we all here to help each other etc, there’s enough negativity in the world as it is


Yes, we have been invited by HO,s. We apprciate the invitations. Up to now it has not worked out for us. But we are willing to seriously consider such. Actually we feel a bit honored when this happens.


Hello @Reliablesitter it is of course personal preference to add the link or no.
And I make no judgment.

I stand behind every post I make no matter how supportive or frank they may be, so havng my links is a non issue for me.

My profile and HO listing are linked so that members can also know me “better” and view how I approach my two profiles.

In the last year I have been invited to a sit by a number of owners. I was otherwise occupied for most of them, but I did book three and they all turned out to be wonderful and have taken me places I probably wouldn’t have sought out on my own. The fact that I’m retired and have lots of free time helps, but from my perspective, if you see a sitter you like, go for it.


@HelloOutThere Totally up to you. I have asked questions before regarding sits and have had helpful feedback from the community but I wouldn’t want the HOs to necessarily join in the conversation. As you say no judgement.

How to send a private invitation to pet sitters, that already have taken care of the house/pet before? Do you have any instruction?

I have received 2 invitations in the last 2 days, both for sits around 3 miles away. I don’t think some hosts get, that most of us joined to see new places. I very rarely accept invites, usually because the dates don’t work.

If you search for “private dates” in the Help section you will find the instructions on how to do this .

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I get invited frequently but I mostly am already booked or in another region. Sometimes the house owners obviously didn’t check my availability calender before contacting me. Or does this calender not work???

@BeckyOnTheHill - there is no key/legend on the calendar so who even knows what the different colours mean?
It is so complicated many sitters choose not to use it.
I find it easier to block out the whole year and pick and choose what I apply for.
I still receive requests to sit even though I state my availability (or lack of) at the top of my profile.
I also state clearly what my preferences are but it is obvious some homeowners do not read all of the sitter’s profile, just as some sitters do not read the homeowner’s listing in full.