I’ve noticed that many homeowners prefer couples for pet sitting, which makes sense in terms of shared responsibilities. But it got me thinking…what happens when a couple has a serious disagreement during a sit?
From my experience, dogs in particular can be very sensitive to tension in their environment. I believe arguments can cause a shift in their behavior. My partner and I are mindful of this and avoid arguing in front of dogs (sounds strange, I know, but I do not want to cause any unneccessary stress), but I can imagine that not every couple follows this approach. In some cases, a pet might actually have a much calmer life with a solo sitter.
Do homeowners ever consider this aspect when choosing sitters? Of course, it’s not exactly easy to ask, “Hey, do you argue a lot?” But I do wonder if this is something people think about when deciding between a solo sitter and a couple.
Also, I guess cultural background plays a role too. I have Italians in my family, and sometimes I flinch just listening to them have a normal conversation because, to me, it sounds like they’re having a heated argument. Meanwhile, other cultures tend to be much more reserved when expressing emotions. So maybe even what counts as “arguing” differs from person to person (or pet to pet!)…
And for those of you who sit as a couple, how do you handle disagreements during longer sits (4+ weeks)? Because let’s be honest, the idea that a couple never has a moment of frustration during a long stay sounds more like a fairytale.