Do you think twice before selecting shows on a sit?

As we all know, the streaming services keep track of what we see. I know from my own family that it is a big no-no to use someone elses user on Netflix, because it will alter the recommendations from Netflix or even where in a series they paused last.

I’ve had HOs that have set up a guest-account and some who don’t.

Do you think of this on a sit? Does it influence what services you use and what you choose to watch?

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I either log into my own service or set up a temporary guest account on their Netflix (example) and delete it as part of my tidying up to leave.

I don’t like to mess with other people’s lists/algorithms and I don’t like folks knowing my watching habits.


I just create a guest account and delete it when I leave.


We don’t think about it and just use the hosts account when it is available. Would our week of watching our telly choices really affect their personal algorithm so much?

and anyway, who doesn’t want back to back ‘Love Island’ popping up in their preferences?


Never think about it. It’s a service that the pet owner has told us we can use so we do.


I create a guest account for sitters to use. When i am a sitter, I create a guest account on the host’s TV. I don’t care if they see what I am watching, but I might be watchiing the same show as the HOs and mess up the sequence of their episodes.

Some people watch TV on their laptops or tablets when sitting, but I prefer a TV if there is one available.


If I were to use the host’s accounts, I’d create a guest account if they hadn’t. It’s dead easy, so why mess with their algorithms.


We’re 50/50 kids. If they say please use our Netflix then we do. If they say please use the Guest account then we do that. It’s also easy to make a new one as @Maggie8K says. It’s quite fun when it’s repeat sits and you can still see what you watched the last time you were in situ and/or someone else’s suggestions for other ideas of what to watch. Viking Valhalla right now as an aside. #netflixnemesis


We always create Guest Accounts on any streaming services, or we cast to their TV if it is Youtube etc.
Delete them before we leave the Sit.
In the early days of sitting we didn’t do this, they Owners must have wondered why they were “The Walking Dead” series was in with East Enders etc, lol. No one ever mentioned it, even on repeat sits, before we started making a Guest Account or Casting to the TV.
Happy Sitting.


I haven’t created a guest account, because I don’t know how this impacts the HOs subscription even temporarily.
If they have a guest account, I use it. If not, then I’m careful not to watch a series that they have already started.

Also, I delete what I’ve watched from history.

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I use their account if no guest one but I stay more mainstream than usual.

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