Does anybody know what this object is please?

I know I will appear to be hugely ignorant and very much a Luddite here. I’ve never been that much into gadgets and such but just wondering what exactly is this household item? I just discovered it and it lights up when I get closer and also when I speak?

Looks like an Alexa Echo Dot!


Thanks, Jen. Is that a recording device?

I’ve used an echo before and I actually said a few moments ago “Echo. Please play me some jazz music and it just ignored me. It lights up even when I’m typing this message or whenever I’m speaking.

@Chatsetchiens I have the same thing on my current sit and have been wondering the same. Obviously not tech savvy :rofl:. Happy anniversary by the way :tada:

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Glad I’m not alone.

Don’t quite know whether to be worried about it recording me though! It keeps flashing at me!

Thank you. Two whole years on the forum now! That went quick!!! :laughing:

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I think it’s more of a speaker than a recording device, though you can never quite be sure with these things! It glows when it ‘hears’ something as it is awaiting a ‘wake’ word so it can take commands, but I doubt it would be recording. It should work with Amazon music, but maybe the HOs don’t have it set up. I’ve never owned one but have found them in a lot of houses and usually switch them off at the wall.


Appreciate this. You’ve set my mind at rest. The HO is absolutely lovely and we have a good relationship.

In fact, this is my third sit here in just over a year but I’m clearly still not immune to a bit of paranoia every now and then! :laughing:


That’s what mine is doing @strawberryjen, glows when I move. Like @Chatsetchiens I’m glad to hear it’s probably a speaker and same, I’m becoming paranoid about cameras as I am finding them undisclosed and active at some sits lately.

Yes, I think it’s natural to wonder what the intention of these things are, especially if you’re not used to them. I’ve been in houses where they’ve had them in every room, a bit disconcerting really. I’ve ‘befriended’ the one in my current house after being suspicious of it for a long time. I think the only thing the HOs can do is access through the Alexa app what the previous commands have been, though I may be wrong.


It could be a bluetooth speaker- has it a plus and minus symbol on it anywhere?

@Chatsetchiens - Amazon Echo Bluetooth smart speaker see link below - it should have a “microphone off “ button that you can use to disable the microphone or simply unplug . Can be set up to control heating, lights etc as well as play music , give you a weather forecast or traffic report , tell you a joke or answer questions - maybe you could ask it what it is ? :rofl:

I recommend using Google Lens to find out what objects are - take a photo and search - it will tell you what the object is -

Helpful if you’ve broken something and need to find a replacement or seen something you’d like for your own home . You can also use it to identify plants or animal droppings or art work or just about anything you’d like to know .


We had our own Google home in the past and it only responded to our two voices when asking for something and ignored other people. It learns your voice to give you personal results but you can turn this off/add other people I bet, it might be similar with Echo Dot. We used Alexas on many sits for music and it responded without any problems.


I think you can train them to respond to specific voices, but I’ve been able to get them to respond to me in every home I’ve sat - I want to hear NPR Morning Edition and ATC. And my own sometimes responds to voices coming through the television when a word that sounds like ‘Alexa’ is spoken on a TV program.

If you have a good relationship with the owners perhaps you could ask if it can be of any use to you or if they mind your switching it off. I think I would feel a bit uncomfortable with its reactions to my movements. I’ve had Alexas in a couple of houses and I switch them off.

Turn the blue tooth on on your phone and see what devices it picks up. If a speaker you might be able to pair with it and play some tunes :slight_smile:

I got my Alexa to sneeze & to tell a joke. Now I have a Google thing - trying to move away from Amazon as much as I can.

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Instead of saying “Echo,” say “Alexa, please play Elton John music.” or whatever! It might work. Sometimes the response is, “OK, will play X music from Spotify.” and then the music begins…

That was going to be my suggestion. Mine doesn’t wake up unless I say Alexa first, e.g. “Alexa, play KERA”, “Alexa, set timer for 20 minutes”, etc

Apologies for the delay in getting back to everyone with all your helpful suggestions.

The pet owner told me they’d be returning later this evening so my plan was to head off just after 6 pm.

Instead, I got a message a few hours ago saying they wanted to return early and have a coffee and a chat with me. I was still in the midst of having the marigolds on cleaning and getting all the bed linen washed and dried.

So many of you have reassured me that it was nothing to be concerned about so I’m happy with that. Thank you.

Generally, I’ve had homeowners point out their devices on sits. As I don’t have an automatic music device at home (and don’t want one) I’ve taken advantage of this on sits. But I also don’t understand not asking an owner direct questions: What is this thing? Why does it light up? Is it recording me? Is it connected to anything essential? Can I unplug it?

Not denying that there are some bad actor hosts who may be have audio or visual devices “watching” sitters, but I think most of the time they just have devices in their homes that they are used to having and may simply forget to mention. They also may have devices like petcams that they just forget to turn off.

The quickest way to allay concerns, is a text and photo to the host.