We are having someone to sit for us at the end of August and I must admit I hadn’t thought of freezer space - thanks for the tip.
I do leave a couple of drawers free for clothes but we do realise it’s not enough space really. It’s only the second time we’ve had sitters so it’s very interesting and useful to read tips on what sitters like to find to make their stay comfortable.
HI @Broberts5 Hello and welcome to our Community Forum thank you for joining. It’s always good to hear other member’s ideas, suggestions and perspectives whether an owner or sitter that’s where the forum comes into its own.
Thank you also for being a considerate host, there are many helpful articles on our website blog and great tips in this topic from owners and sitters.
As a full time sitter there is nothing better than to be welcomed into a comfortable, clean and tidy home with space to unpack and feel at home. We respect that we will be in a home, not an hotel or Airbnb, and with a precious pet(s) for company, that’s what we enjoy the most and always appreciate owner’s taking the time to ensure our stay is a mutually enjoyable experience.
Thank you again for joining our community and we look forward to sharing in your TrustedHousesitters journey.
Angela & The Team
Yes as most sitters seem to be saying the amount of space you are given to hang clothes and put things in drawers is very hit and miss. Where a HO has gone to the effort to move stuff to give me space, I always appreciate it as it indicates that they are wanting me to settle in properly and make it my home temporarily. When you don’t have a base and doing sits back to back, this courtesy gives me a lift and I usually find it extends to other little thoughtful touchs such as fresh towels folded and left on a clean bed…folders with local information…a note to say ‘help yourself to whatever you need’ … a Welcome Guide that has been well considered with everything I need to know about the house and animals etc etc. These are the sits I am inclined to go back to. My pet hate (pardon the play on words) is a house totally cluttered where there seems no logic to where things have been put and where things fall out of cupboards when you search for what you need…where you have just about no space for yourself. I think the trick with house-sitting is to roll with whats in front of you and look for the positives in every situation.
I wish I had the room for a dedicated guest room. As it is, our apartment is tiny and everything is “full” of our own stuff.
However, I do like your point about leaving room in the freezer. I am the same about fridge food (leave little, but let the sitter know to help themselves to whatever they find), but my freezer is tiny and usually quite packed.
If a sitter is coming for less than a week, I don’t try to empty a drawer or closet space for them to use (we have a tiny apartment and ALL spaces are already occupied). However, if it is a longer sit then I will make an effort to squirrel away some things to at least leave them an empty drawer.
However, based on the sitter replies in this thread, I will try to be more considerate
Hi @DantesDame . I think as long as you make it known in your listing about the lack of space then a sitter can’t complain. I like lots of space so I would know in advance that it’s not for me
Hi @DantesDame Keep in mind that THS sitters are as varied as any other population. I’m one who likes to live out of my luggage, unless perhaps I’m staying for more than a month. I do like somewhere in the bathroom to put my things, but other than that, my suitcase is well organized and I can easily find things. I choose clothing that can handle being packed and not looking like I slept in them. I often feel guilty when homeowners show me the space they’ve set up for me, and I don’t use it. It sounds like I’d be a good fit for your home.
Hello - I am a new owner here and wondering what other owners do for providing closet and/or drawer space for sitters, and what sitters would want. Thanks so much.
Hello and Welcome @gracefulwolf
There is already a thread on this topic. Go to the magnifying glass at the top right of this page and type in drawer. That shows the thread that started in April
Thanks for considering this important topic
Thanks for pointing me there! Great perspectives that will help me make sure my sitters are comfortable. I’m going to leave this one up, too, since it’s in the owner & sitter exchange.
Good point, @gracefulwolf I changed the topic on the earlier thread to owner and sitter exchange too.
Gracefulwolf love that username!
Origins of two of my actual names
Hi @gracefulwolf a very warm welcome to our community forum, thank you for joining and for joining in the conversation about how to prepare for your sitters.
Thank you @mars for helping support and welcome @gracefulwolf thank you also to @Itchyfeet for directing to the original closet/drawer thread. I’ve moved your post to the original thread to bring the discussion together in the owner/sitter exchange.
Enjoy connecting with our members and feel free to ask any questions our community are helpful and supportive.
As a new owner thank you for joining in a conversation about your first sit. It’s really the simple things which make all the difference, knowing an owner has given thought to how they can make a sitters time in their home the best experience possible is always appreciated.
Thank you again and welcome.
Angela and the Team
It’s interesting how different we all are!
I don’t care all that much about closet or drawer space, as a sitter. I guess I pack pretty light. And my sits are usually under a month.
It’s important to me to have a bed-side lamp, but I bring a little solar lantern for those sits that don’t have one.
And because we all gotta eat, fridge space is of course important.
Good info. Thank you.
I have a new pet hate - full vacuum cleaner bags. Please, please, please make sure your vacuum cleaner bag is empty and the vacuum is fully charged. I seem to have a mental block about taking these things apart and putting them back together. Can take me a good half hour, some bad language and a stress headache.
I think this forum should be a requirement of joining THO. As a HO, I read through the comments and am astounded at the way some sitters are expected to live. Our sitters are treated as our best friends or family are treated - or I’d like to think so, although our daughter leaves all her stuff in her bag but does bring her ironing for me! But hadn’t thought about a spot in the freezer, so thanks!
I reckon Mustafa has taken apart and cleaned at least 50% of the hoovers on sits @ElsieDownie - washed the filters and re-built them, sometimes three in one household, none of which are clean and/or picking anything up!!
Similar experience to you. Unblocking vacuum cleaners is my specialty.
I also wish more Dyson owners knew that they still have filters that need washing despite being bagless.