As I wake to another chilly UK morning, just a quick reminder to leave water out for wildlife and feed the birds - they need all the help they can get at this time of year.
Thanks @Becca - a super important message at this time of year
I spent a few minutes yesterday morning watching a goldfinch hopping around my garden, finally able to peck at things now that the ice has thawed. I’m going to leave some food out moving forward, I think.
I wonder if any of our members have suggestions or advice around what to leave out for our little feathered friends?
In my own garden, the starlings love dried meal worms that I put in a hanging feeder and the blackbirds (who are ground feeders) like the ones that I scatter.
Smaller birds like the seed mix and sunflowerr hearts from feeders and fat balls in another feeder. When the birdbath water freezes I top that with water frim the kettle.
Folk in the UK might be interested in RSPBs Big Garden Birdwatch, 24-26 Jan.
The Flutter Butter feeders are great – bird-friendly peanut butter in a feeder that sticks on to your window so that you get great views of what they’re up to. I’ve never managed to persuade the birds to use it at my place, but they can’t resist it at my parents’ home.
I hang a feeder full of high energy seed mix under an archway that has lots of foliage for the birds to hide in. The blackbirds hoover up anything that ends up on the ground, although they’ve been sitting hopefully by the back door for the last few mornings, waiting for some crumbs.
I was treated to an amazing view of a low-flying buzzard the other day, driving along slowly behind it on a lane lined with trees that form a bit of a tunnel. And a green woodpecker flew across in front of me later on that day.
Think I’m turning into a twitcher!
A few weeks ago we were surprised to see a young buzzard sitting on the fence next to our neighbours house - especially as we live close to the centre of town (Cheltenham, Gloucestershire UK). Then yesterday we spotted a red kite over our road. What with the peregrine falcons that nest on a nearby church tower, we seem to be a bird of prey hotspot!
I stumbled upon the e-bird site as wanted to know what bird we’d not heard before whilst on a trail one day whilst sitting for friends on the north island. Will def check out the site when considering a sit location althougn we’re not expert birders.
This is what’s around the corner from us
I love seeing them - so graceful.
This looks great - thank you!