I advertised for a sitter for a couple of weeks over the Christmas period. I am in Provence and am usually inundated with responses…nothing? I am rather surprised and worried that I may have to cancel my trip to see family in the UK fit the first time in a year
@231093 and welcome to the forum. I took a look at your profile and your home and babies are beautiful and I honestly don’t think you will have an issue finding a sitter…just be patient as many sitters are just now starting their look for Christmas. Travel and prices have been difficult over the last few months so I know this has caused many to wait longer to plan a trip.
I don’t see that you have listed a car as available for the sit, so that may also help since airfare is so high right now. That would be one less expense for a sitter…especially during peak season.
I would also suggest you link your member profile to your forum profile so potential sitters can go right to your site and hopefully apply right away. To do so just
click How to add a listing or profile link to your FORUM profile. This will also just give you added exposure on the forum. Please remember though, do not post any dates on the forum…that needs to stay on your member page.
Good luck!
A post was merged into an existing topic: Conclusion Of Pausing Application Test - Updated Post
We would have come…were in kent have a car.but no passports with us. Dont despair…you may be lucky. Fingers crossed.
@Cathy12121 For info, this post is dated 2022.