Feeling deflated. Horrible 1st time experience being a sitter

When I arrived, there were over 10 dogs, whereas the listing had advertised a much smaller number. During my time sitting for them, I discovered that the dogs were used for breeding purposes and were quite expensive, which caused me a lot of stress and anxiety. I did my best to keep them fed, hydrated, exercised, and to follow their strict routine of feeding and crate time, which was overwhelming for one person to manage alone. They were seriously lacking human compassion, so I spent time holding, cuddling, petting them and giving them positive praise. I left sad and emotionally drained.

Several of the dogs even got into violent fights, and I had to physically separate them, risking my own safety and from them killing each other. I received no guidebook or written instructions for their care.

Now, the owners are claiming that, due to my alleged lack of supervision, the dogs caused damage to outdoor items and are accusing me of causing damage to other items, which I deny. While I’m not particularly concerned about the claimed damages (I have photos from when I arrived), the lack of gratitude for my effort is truly appalling.

Please tell me this is not the “norm”. :frowning:


No, that is horrible, and absolutely not the norm. You could have left. I would have.

Had there been any previous sitters? Had they left references? And in the app you can see if there had been sitters that had not written a references (which is a red flag).


Not at all the norm. I would have raised a complaint against them and left.

That’s a terrible experience. It sucks to have such hideous people lie like that and take advantage of you.


How do I file a complaint?


No previous sitters. Thanks for replying. I learned a ton during this first sit! ;(


I would contact the urgent support team. So many things raising alarms with this sit: inaccurate listing, your safety and animals that were fighting. I’d also urge you to report your concerns to the local animal care authority for them to inspect the property. If you feel they are ill treated or lacking the appropriate care, please do report them.

I have attached the numbers for THS.

Also ask for their advice regarding how to leave your review as you wouldn’t want another sitter to face what you did.


Support@trustedhousesitters.com or contact the chatbot and ask to speak to a human. Tell them you want to “raise a dispute” (THS terminology) and share details as needed.


To add to good advice: Take screenshots before the host is alerted - of listing and/ or messages etc., so you can verify that these things were not disclosed before sit. Otherwise it might be altered/ deleted when they realise they are in a dispute.

Be also aware that it can happen that they raise a dispute against you. In that case you might temporarily be locked out of your account. Make sure to note things you need on your account, for instance contact info and welcome guide for future sits to make sure you have other means of communication.

It is not at all normal, and it seems it is breach of terms in several ways (not disclosed in listing, using sitters for business purposes… ) Re. the terms you could have been in the right to give 24 hours notice to host and leave the sit.


It’s not the norm and you should report the deception to THS. You should also state clearly what happened in a one star review that is objective and factual. They probably won’t review you, but if they do you can reply factually.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but next time have a chat, look at previous sitter comments, and don’t confirm any sit you get a bad gut feeling about.


Can I just clarify that you are a paid member of THS? I ask because I am really surprised that anyone on THS would accept a sitter for so many dogs, with no THS experience/reviews, and the lack of a guide-book as you put it isn’t normal for THS either, THS call it a Welcome Guide. Sometimes owners will give you it via THS, other times they will produce their own and email you a copy.

What you have experienced is definitely not the norm. You get to leave them an honest review of your experience, because it sounds terrible.

With regard to damages, RELAX! The owners are covered by THS insurance if they want to make a claim, and you are covered by THS insurance for different things. If they wish to make a claim, it is them that need to contact THS to do so. However, if I were you I would email @support and tell of them of your poor experience, include your photos from when you arrived, screenshots of any relevant messages, because it isn’t the normal, and THS need to be made aware. Also, as it is your first time, personally I’d ask THS for additional free months of membership, given how bad your first experience has been, under the circumstances I am pretty sure they will give you some free months.

Also, because you are new, please don’t think that all the negative things you hear on this forum is the norm either, people only come on here to get help when things don’t go right, it’s here to offer sympathy, empathy, help, and advise, but you rarely here about the fantastic sits that most of us have had on here, because our pet sitting life has been AMAZING! We’ve had brilliant owners who have appreciated us, with pets we have adored. So what you have experienced is definitely not the norm.


Thank you! Great advice! This was their first time to have a sit, and mine as well. I had reviews though from friends and family.


Thank you for the needed advise! I am taking screenshots now.


Thank you so much!!! It goes on and on. Saying I damaged an expensive appliance. Which I never even used! I told the owner to raise a claim with THS and they will contact me for a reply. Thank you again for this community. I feel much much better.


Hi @Nikkipit1, welcome to the forum and THS community.
It’s you who should “raise the dispute” Send all the documented evidence you have. If they raise the dispute, THS will probably suspend your account while they go through the process.
I MHO, if you have told the owners

you should raise one yourself. You should also write a factual non emotional review, to warn everyone about the situation. If you want, you can share your draft and I am sure you will get great advice here.


Aside from the THS issues, it sounds like this is a backyard breeder (legit breeders would never). Is there a local rescue that can be contacted, because this sounds like a terrible situation for those poor dogs.


Thank you! Yes, I realized that during my stay. Great advice!!


How many were stated in the listing? Did this include a litter of pups, or were they all adults?

You"e had a very poor first experience but there are things you can do to protect yourself, going forwards: I’d suggest choosing sits where you know the pets will be more easily managed by a single sitter; possibly 2 dogs maximum so they can be walked together. Good sits = good reviews, which are effectively currency on THS.

Always have a video chat with pet parents before confirming a sit and always insist on a Welcome Guide before arrival, to confirm expected responsibilities correlate with those stated in the listing.

Good advice has been given regarding next steps in this case, so I won’t reiterate. Don’t delay in raising a dispute with Membership Services and please do write a factual review (you can post a draft on here, for feedback, if you feel that might help).


Thank you! I have raised a member dispute. The dogs fighting(I had to physically tear them apart multiple times with different dogs) was enough to push me to complain. The HO are also clearly breeders. I am an animal lover, and yes, I could have called them to come home, but to me, my number one priority was to take care of these breeding dogs and pups. The pups were covered in feces and urine (which of course I cleaned them and the pen). The adult dogs were clearly lacking love and pets. I took it as my duty while I pet sit to ensure the dogs got the love and pets they deserved.


This was many of what I had to tear apart from them killing each other.

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It must of been very traumatic for you seeing the conditions the animals (clearly not pets) were kept in. Did you report them to the local animal welfare agency?