Let’s have some festive fun and do what it says … What three would you keep?
and just because it’s it’s December 24th you get to add your very own number four … now what would that be?
Let’s have some festive fun and do what it says … What three would you keep?
and just because it’s it’s December 24th you get to add your very own number four … now what would that be?
Brussel Sprouts (yes you read that right)
Jason Statham but if he can’t travel, Brad Pitt will have to do.
love that! I literally laughed out loud. I agreed heartily with all of your choices, although I personally would put dogs lower on the list.
Ok Jason would definitely be first (bats eyelashes)
He was my bonus 4th
mulled wine
brussel sprouts (especially roasted)
wood fire (or Jason Statham)
Christmas Carols
Pantomime (very British entertainment and I love it.)
The ability to live a fit and healthy life till I’m 120 so I can at least visit half of the places I want to see.
Christmas carols
Jason Statham (10 years ago!)
Mince pies
The Holiday
Christmas Carols
Family dinner (when/where it is safe to do so.)
I’m not adding in dogs/cats because I love them year round!
Brussels sprouts
The Brussels sprout is a member of the Gemmifera cultivar group of cabbages, grown for its edible buds. The leaf vegetables are typically 1.5–4.0 cm in diameter and resemble miniature cabbages. The Brussels sprout has long been popular in Brussels, Belgium, from which it gained its name.
They are delicious and I had the pleasure to harvest literally farm to table on a sit I did in Wales. it was a most gratifying experience.
Jason Statham is an ENGLISH actor from Shirebrook, UK a very well developed atypical ENGLISH male, a Cancer, 54 years young, who plays in heroic action thriller films both ENGLISH and American. He enjoys sharing photos of his dogs on Instagram.
He’s an alright mate.
Christmas Carols, Mince Pies and “The Holiday”. My fourth is the original 1951 “Scrooge” with Alastair Sim - watch it every Christmas Eve!
Brussels Sprouts
Christmas carols ( Bing Crosby in White Christmas an why not the version of Michael Bublé)
And the Christmas day with family
I do not understand for the Brussels sprouts, they would not be on my list, nor on any list. Is this an anglo saxon tradition ?
Merry Christmas everybody
Cats & Dogs are a given
But I’m also in the Brussels Sprouts camp!
In fact I’ve got two HUGE bags to get through as we grew our own this year and cut 10 big sticks from the veggie patch before leaving for our house sit in Northern France!
Just got the first batch ready for Christmas Day Lunch but there will be lots of recipes involving brussels over coming days including Bubble & Squeak tomorrow, and a lovely brussels chili salad (grated raw sprouts are SOOO tasty)
Brussells Trivia for the Brits among us …
(Is it "Brussel sprouts" or "Brussels sprouts"? Three quarters get it wrong... | YouGov)
What about an apostrophe though
Christmas carols
Santa Claus - We all need to believe in a little magic, especially now
My list is ever changing…depending on the day
Christmas carols
Family (or chocolate, if I’m on my own for the day )
Whouhaou ! I am very impressed by the number of people choosing Brussel’s sprouts !!
My choice :
Happy Christmas to you all !
The Holiday, Dogs, Cats