We have been asked to sit again for three months in France by former home owners. There are no pets. This time we are thinking of bringing a gift from Uk for them. One owner is English the other is German. Has anyone got any ideas?
my brit friends always ask me to bring dairy milk bars and tea. maybe shortbread? I always grab some jars of red onion chutney as I can only get it in the UK and spice tailor kits for quick meals without a bunch of junky preservatives (also only in the UK).
Thank you - Wil have a look at Tailor Kits Red Chutney and shortbread sounds good.
In your place, I’d ask them what they’d consider a treat from the U.K.
I’d go for lighthearted fun, jaffa cakes, jammie dodgers, or M&S chocs, or even wagon wheels (I’m sure they’ve shrunk over the years).
@creaturecuddler is right dairy milk is a great choice. but I’d avoid all of the other cadburys stuff because they’ve changed the taste to make it more inline with the US (I’ve stopped eating it now, like alot of people).
Marmite possibly with instructions for optimal enjoyment. (Spread thinly on a slice of bread, scrape off, then scrape off again)
@Twogreys what region of U.K. are you from - is there something typical or unique from your area/ county ?
Or how about a calendar with photos of U.K. (landmarks / countryside / coastline / cities / flowers/ wildlife )depending on your hosts interests ?
Tk maxx always have tea bag gift boxes and shortbread gift boxes which are reasonably priced and light to carry
It’s a great idea. Specifics probably less important than gesture.
From what part of England (or other United Kingdom) do they originate? Perhaps there’s a local specialty item. Tea, chocolate, shortbread, all sorts … something non-breakable and transportable!
We’ve completed 20+ housesits outside our home country and often leave small gifts for pet parents. From origin-country postcards with nice words to physical gift items. Especially on longer duration housesits. Typically well received.
Hope that you enjoy a great housesit.
Not for a housesit, but my 13 year oldson stayed with a Dutch boy and his family on a football tour. He took some local cheese and some fudge, as well as little souvenir items like coasters, fridge magnet and a mug. And a little picture book of our town. Finding souvenir items was harder than I expected! One of the football coaches took a bottle of English wine.