Filter last minute sits

Hello, is there a way to filter the last minute sits? In the following month I would like to do some sits but can only decide on short term. I know these is a category in the forum, but most HO don’t use it.

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You can do a search and add dates if you use the filter facility. Fot example you can look for dates between 5th Sept - 20th Sept.

Hi @Lieve there isn’t a specific filter, but if you want to see all last minute sits, set your date filter to start from today and finish 7 days later - they should all show. Last Minute Sits are only shown 7 days before starting and have the tag applied also.


Hello, I would like to look at lastminute sits only - does anyone know how to do that? Thanks!

Hello @Nicey and welcome to the forum. I’ve moved your question to this thread where we’ve answered this very question. Take a look at the solution at top of the thread but if you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to ask.


I am having trouble finding last minute sits, without just scrolling through long lists of various sits. I thought it used to be in My Favorites, but it’s not.

Any help would be appreciated.

I’m not a home owner looking for someone but a pet sitter and don’t find a way to set a date filter.

Thank you for any help.