I’m new to trustedhousesitters but look forward to getting started. My wife and I travel teaching improv workshops to kids. We love animals but chose not to have them because we travel full time.
Someone told me about this site and i’ve applied for a few different stays but haven’t gotten anything yet and was wondering what is the best way to get your first stay or do people look for when someone messages them?
As a HO looking at applications I look at the Sitters reviews. If they have not yet had a sit I read their references and see if they have a security check.
I have used 1st timers in the past, with great success, and I am sure your opportunity will come along soon!
Hello @improvmike and welcome to the community forum and to TrustedHousesitters. Your first goal is to set up your profile so that it has all the basics owners are looking for.
Apply for all sits that fit your requirements. Don’t just apply for them one at a time. If you accept a sit, be respectful and withdraw your application from those that overlap those dates.
I really appreciate the great advice and will make sure to apply this. We love animals, traveling and wish we would of discovered this site way sooner! Thank you so much.