Greetings from Virginia

We just joined as both Sitters and House Owners after learning about this several years ago and waited to sign up until our current semi-retired status that allows us a bit more time to travel. It’s so helpful to review the various forum topics to learn as much as possible. We have a month-long trip abroad planned for May, and may try to find a couple of short house sits while there, to test the waters. But we’re especially looking for a good match to stay with our beloved Teddy while we’re away. Thanks all!


Hi @Izzie8
A warm welcome to the forum. I am sure you will get lots of lovely advice here from experienced members, from how to get started as sitters and also finding the perfect match for Teddy.

Please do add your listing link here >>

Once you add this, other members will be able to “meet” you properly and will see what sitters see when they apply for your sit.

When you have completed your profile and wish other members to see it and give you advice, I would suggest you add the link under your name.

If you would like to search for any specific questions, please use the eyeglass to search, as this is the easiest way to find answers to any specific questions.

We look forward to your contribution and experiences as you go on this exciting new journey.

Best wishes
Therese and the Forum team.

Hello @Izzie8 and welcome to TrustedHousesitters and to the Community Forum :wave:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

Whereabouts will you be heading in May?

Do you have any photos of Teddy you could share? Would be lovely to see :blush:

If you have any questions on here, please do not hesitate to ask.

@Izzie8 - where in Virginia are you? We are both sitters and HO and have had alot of success getting sits and with fantastic sitters. Best of luck to you!

Hi Peg, Thanks for asking! We’re in the Northern Neck. Just moved here from Roanoke Valley and fixing up a little house in the town of Kilmarnock. Love the area and have vacationed here for years. We have only been listed for a few days, and have matched up for a one week sit in August, which is great! But we are going to be gone the whole month of May and a day on each end for travel to DC airport. That’s the one I’m most concerned about at the moment. The pet sitting will be easy, but our house may not be big enough or well appointed sufficiently for some sitters, so I think it may narrow the pool. For instance, our guest bed is only a double size, which I understand from reading a lot of messages in the forum is not sufficient for most folks. And the full bath is kind of small, not yet updated (on our list for sometime this summer!) and on the second floor by the bedrooms. So, hopefully, we’ll find someone who’s comfortable with that arrangement.

We are heading to England and Wales. Touring around a bit to see more of the countryside that we didn’t have time for when we visited a few years ago. Here’s a pic of Teddy. :slightly_smiling_face:


@Izzie8 Teddy is adorable. I wish I was available for the May sit as that area is lovely.

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Found your housesit, I’d suggest (if you are open to it) to put a picture of your master bedroom and tell sitters 2 bedrooms are available. Giving another bed if the double is too small for a couple to take the sit. The house itself it fine, most sitters just want a clean house, doesn’t have to be fancy. Good luck on getting sitters for your trip, I know how nerve racking it is when you have planned a trip and are waiting on the sitters to find your sit!

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@Izzie8 Teddy is absolutely adorable :dog::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Your trip sounds like fun… do you have any particular places in mind in England & Wales for when you visit? :blush:

Welcome, @izzie8 - I’ m sitting all of May already but split my home time between DC and Chapel Hill, NC and will watch for future sits from you.

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What part of VA are you in? I’m from Chesapeake area.

Thanks, Peg. I appreciate your suggestions. We’ll give that some thought. I may end up splitting the time into two shorter segments and that might open up the pool of candidates too.

We’re still planning our itinerary…but hope to make it to one or two coastal areas, as well as York. We spent all of our (limited) time in London and Oxford last visit. So will plan to spend a bit more time in each, this go around.

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We’re in Kilmarnock, just up the road from you. If you ever want to get away to this quiet space, let me know! :slight_smile:

We are in Sandy Point!!!

@Izzie8 sounds great… and if you need any ideas for Oxford please DM me as it’s my local neighbourhood! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks, will do. We’re working on the itinerary so are not sure of how it will all play out. We enjoyed our few days in Oxford when we visited a few years ago with our son who had been a visiting student there, so he also clued us in on some of the must-see’s and do’s.