Have a Safe & Happy July 4th

If you celebrate the day, have a great July 4th but please remember more pets go missing in America on this day than at any other time of the year.

Here are some safety tips to ensure a happy time is had by all … especially pets:

  1. Make certain your dog’s ID information current
  2. Leave pets at home in a safe and secure place
  3. Drown out the sound of fireworks
  4. Try a Thundershirt
  5. If you pet’s fear is high and you know that your dog will panic when the fireworks start, ask your vet if he/she can prescribe medication
  6. Secure all fences and exists
  7. Never leave alone in a car
  8. Keep picnic foods out of reach
  9. Be aware of rising temperatures and keep pets cool and hydrated
  10. If you must have fireworks clear up all debris

if the worst should happen to you or someone you know here is some excellent advice from blog guest author Teresa J. Rhyne

Teresa J. Rhyne is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of “The Dog Lived (and So Will I).


Excellent advice @Angela_L as we already have so many missing pet posts on our local Facebook and NextDoor sites. It is so very important to remember your pets first during the Holiday fireworks as they are very vulnerable and it can be an extremely frightening time for them…especially if they are left home alone.