Hi @ScottS,
On behalf of the forum team, a warm welcome to the TrustedHousesitter’s community. I am a homeowner and a sitter and I can tell you I have no desire to take our dog on any sits we may go on. Every member is different but typically the sitters that do sit with their pets are very clear about it from the get go. In my experience I have only come across one sitter that wanted to sit for us with their own dog.
As you cannot share a link to your listing in this post, do share a link to your listing on your forum profile for a bit of extra exposure. But the main website is where ALL our members will see your opportunity and be able to apply and message with you.
If at any time you need any help don’t hesitate to reach out to our community here which is full of helpful members who have been through the process themselves and will happily give advice and guidance. And don’t forget our membership support team are always on hand to give assistance.
All the very best,
Kelly & the forum team